Thematters that must be assented to by the faithful are either proposed as divinely revealed or set forth definitively.Why are “the legality of a Pope or of a General Council, or the fact of the Roman episcopate of St. Peter”, which are so essentially as to be called dogmatic facts, on the same level with something that hasn’t been defined. It’s a pertinent question since traditionalist who don’t like some of the Pope’s choices for sainthood have brought up the issue and it needs to be settled. Dogmatic fact means the Church can’t function as in institution that defines dogma without it. That 's all I was trying to point out
Those “§ 6. Catholic Truths” are not grades of certainty but categories of teaching that are decided upon through the teaching authority of the Church on faith and morals. They are “truths and facts which are a **consequence **of the teaching of Revelation or a presupposition of it”: 1) Theological Conclusions 2) Dogmatic Facts 3) Truths of Reason.