I have 2 boys, 2 and 7 mo. I hear ya! I also know the frustration and I’m sorry things seem out of hand for you. It is so draining when they misbehave and seem to disrespect!
2-3 yo really don’t have much impulse control, and really do seem to forget from time to time (esp. boys) the “rules of the house”. Now, that doesn’t mean we can’t continue to let them know what the rules are, it is our job to train their will (discipline), but we have to make sure we aren’t asking too much of them, that can lead to frustration and tantrums, believe me! Be sure to praise to high heaven good behavior, “YOU WERE SO NICE TO YOUR BROTHER BY SHARING, YAY!!!” and learn what bad behavior to ignore or correct. But really, really praise the good stuff, lots of hugs and kisses, and be genuine. They will start to crave that attention. BE CONSISTANT - never let anything slide or get too frustrated to be a commanding presence or to follow through on punishment.
For my 2yo we started as soon as he could touch things (and are telling our 7mo now) “No Touch”, “No Jumping”, “Sit on your bottom”, these kinds of things. These are things he can do and we remind him often. 7 mo to the time you use time outs, try the distraction method (if you see him going for something that’s a no-no redirect his attention to a toy, book, etc), bc they really, really just can’t help it. It’s time consuming but so much gentler and easier. It will get better and soon you’ll see results. BTW - sometimes it’s better to have him touch things and telling him how to be “gentle” - have him stroke it gently and say “gentle” by showing him gentle by lightly touching his arm or leg, whatever. Take his hand and show him gentle touch.
I am using time-outs. 2 yo gets one warning, then gets sent to the corner for 2 min (min per year). After 2 min we tell him why he’s there and ask for apology (or a hug if they can’t say sorry). We started the time-outs at about 18mo. My ped. said that’s too early, but my experience (and the exp. of my SIL) is that it works.
It goes like this:
Bobby - no touch (or whatever the offending thing is) (He touches again) Remember - no touch, okay? If you touch again you will go to the corner (he touches). Okay Bobby, go to the corner for 2 minutes. (Set a timer). Okay, 2 min are up. Bobby, you were in the corner bc you touched item. No touch. Please say you’re sorry. (He hugs). Okay. Thank you.
Now, at first I had to hold him there forcefully. Not hard or out of control, just enough to keep his arms at his sides and in place. It will be chaotic and hard for you, but it will get better. My 2yo goes there willingly now and stays put.
I have spanked, but it is rare. The thing that seems to work for my 2 yr. old is LOTS of love and attention. For me - usually the more my 2 yo misbehaves, the more he seems to want more attention from me. I know it’s hard w/ 3 boys and the housework and all that, but really make sure there’s enough time set aside for then to get lots of loving attention from you and Daddy. A scheduled day helps us too - my 2yo seems to do better when he knows what the day will be like. Have routines like a specific one for bed. Our is between 7-8 he takes a bath, put on pj, say prayers, read story, snuggle a little then to bed. Every day, same thing, all the time.
Gosh - I hope this helps. I learned a lot from the book - The Baby Whisperer and the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers. The lessons from that book I saw on the Supernanny show. Oh, those books and Parenting with Grace and Guiltless Catholic Parenting.
Good luck. Oh another thing, pray pray pray to Mary for intercession. I have had many teary requests to her!
God Bless you and your family. I hope this helps, it works for me is all I can say.