I think I need to explain: Too many of us women tend to let ourselves go as time goes by. Our husbands deserve the best of us, and we deserve the best of our husbands. I recently met a young women (early 30’s). She admited that she and her husband were not getting along. She said he was upset at her unkempt appearance. She thought he should just accept her as she was and not expect her to put in extra effort. I think we all need to try to be attractive to our spouses. We should remember how we looked when we fell in love and even in old age, keep that beautiful smile he or she fell in love with.That’s insane! You’re not being fair to him or yourself. Just because a man thinks a woman is pretty, does not mean he thinks she is prettier than you. You are his wife and the mother of 5. That makes you the most beautiful creature in his life. Period. When you realize that, you won’t need to ask which one is prettiest, it won’t matter.
Take it from a Man who’s been there. Don’t ask questions with hidden meanings. If you think you are not pretty enough for him and you HAVE to find out, ask him in plain english. But only ask if you want to hear the answer for your own sake. You’d only be setting the both of you up for heartache otherwise.
Love and peace