In your face? How do you know what happened in that house? For all you know the girl could be his sister. Or it could be someone whose house caught on fire the night before and she slept on his couch. You don’t know for certain that any sin went on in there. Give him the benefit of the doubt before you accuse him of corrupting the morals of your children.I fail to see how I am being judgmental or nosey. It’s called in your face when I can practically touch my neighbor’s home from our abutting driveway. No way to not notice some of your neighbors’ activities. (Example: Having a cup of coffee while helping my son water our perennial plants the other morning before I go to work, and out walks a female and scoots into the car parked over night 20 feet away in the driveway of our new neighbor). Who is intruding upon whom?
If you want real neighbor problems, move next door to a drug dealer or a registered sex offender. Then you’ll have legitimate neighborhood concerns.