Help? Why do they hate the faith so very much?

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Sorry, have little clue what you mean by “New Age,” which you appear to be using, again, as a dismissive epithet. There is nothing in what I espouse that I gather from disinformational “New Age” material. And I have nothing but respect and admiration for St. Thomas, whom Ihave quoted before. But what good is it to have even Jesus if He is misunderstood, and you mistake belief for “knowledge?” As I have repeatedly said, I have derived much from the Church. I do not need flippancy and fluff as retorts to sincerity. If you have St Thomas, go and read him. He has much to say about your nature of response, as well as many other needful things.
Sorry, have little clue what you mean by “New Age,” which you appear to be using, again, as a dismissive epithet. There is nothing in what I espouse that I gather from disinformational “New Age” material. And I have nothing but respect and admiration for St. Thomas, whom Ihave quoted before. But what good is it to have even Jesus if He is misunderstood, and you mistake belief for “knowledge?” As I have repeatedly said, I have derived much from the Church. I do not need flippancy and fluff as retorts to sincerity. If you have St Thomas, go and read him. He has much to say about your nature of response, as well as many other needful things.
Okay - based on some of the phrases you were using, I had thought that you had joined the New Age religion. I was simply responding to common objections of the New Age people, to the Catholic faith (that we “are not allowed” to make sand paintings, or have smudge ceremonies, etc.)
Sorry, though I’ve heard of that stuff, and have seen Tibetan monks do lovely sand mandalas in the public square, I have little if any truck with that stuff. I am only necessarily following my best conscience, whether it suits anyone else or not. I trust very much you are doing the same, and I can only encourage that. But as I said, the kind of display you made earlier is really easy to construe as emotionalism and bigotry, however sincere and pious it might have been* to you*.

We are each constrained by conscience to follow our best lights. I can only encourage you to follow yours. Being a former practicing Catholic, I know that from that angle as well. I have no grudge with you, I am only stating my expereince. How will we talk to other people whom we wish to get along with if even on here we are squabbling about misperceptions about each other? This is a great question for me in a number of areas, as I, as well, need to be very receptive to other people’s political, social, economic, socilogical,emotional, etc, etc, differences. I feel that I ought at least to be able to repeat back to someone in my own words what their stand is, and heve them deem it accurate. Then I have a clear basis for comment. I does not by any means indicate agreement, but it does mean I care enough to know what they are actually saying before I put my foot in my mouth, or change feet.

CAF is not in a vacuum. At least we need to be able to converse on here, despite lacking such vitals as tone of voice and body language. Admittedly, textual meaning is difficult to relate to in many ways. But that only means more effort and forebearance, and the honing of more precise questions as best we are able.
=irishpatrick;4737540]When speaking with other people about the Catholic faith, all sorts of horrific things come out of their mouths and is posted on many forums. I understand to a reasonable degree when people just do not agree with certain teachings…
However, why does it seem that so many people really, truly hate Catholics and the Catholic faith? I mean really hate–not just dislike…
It is hard to grasp.
The Catholic Church has been for more than 2000 years, indeed from the very day that Jesus gave Peter the “Keys to the KIngdom of Heaven” (Mt.16:19)

**The Only Church actually founded bu our God

The Largest Christian Church in the World!

The Oldest Chrsitian Church

The “Keeper of the keys to the Kingdom” in an unbroken line of papal succession

The Source (only source) and that is the key to your querry of the Single Truth on all matters of Faith and or Morals.**

**So who else are they going to attack in trying to justify what Chrsit and and the Bible actually deny?

To have any credibiblty, ANY AT ALL, they MUST discredit the One true Church!

But Jesus promised: Mt.16: 19!:D**

Love and prayers
I think it goes deeper…

Two reasons come to mind:

When you leave an established group, you have to find some kind of rationale for leaving. Until Luther, Christianity WAS Catholicism. Those who left had to find a “rational” reason for leaving. Their rationalizations have been handed down for generations, becoming morphed as they get passed down. Many, many Protestants share that they grew up learning about the “heresies” of the Catholic Church. To them, we are idolators and they are brought up to despise Catholicism. They have been taught that we need to be shown the “truth” and saved from eternal damnation. :eek:

The second reason (and this is the most common reason I have found for Catholics who have left the faith and now “despise” it) is usually to be found “below the belt.” Either they are divorced or they have had an abortion or practice birth control or want to belong to a church that allows them to live as they want. I have several siblings who fall into this group. They don’t want to conform their lives to line up with the deeper understandings that Catholicism offers. 🤷
You forgot the third type:**
Those Catholics who like me, were evangelized by their protestant brethren who loved Jesus more than the Catholic people they knew, protestants who were outspoken for the Lord and had a living faith, and with the absence of Catholics living their faith, we left the Church in order to be with those who loved and served the Lord with their whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. I didn’t want to be considered among the types of “catholics” who would have Barack Obama speak at a commencement, or covered up the name of Jesus in order to not offend the current President.
I didn’t know my faith enough to defend it, or to know better than to leave Christ because of a Judas.

The Catholic Church portrayed in the media is the only Catholic Church I knew at the time I left the Church. I didn’t have a clue for 20 yrs that there were Catholics who were faithful to the teachings of the Church, (or at least tried to be)
Dear GraceandGlory: Who was your swim coach and why did you decide to get back into the water?
=Nino;4958415]Its quite simple…most profound things are! When the wealthy class in germany invented protestantism…it was because they wanted to plunder the church of all its land,gold and silver ornaments and art work…once doing this they then wrote books detailing how evil the RCC church and always will be and that safeguarded their plunder. In a world run by the elitist class.any established religion that preached…pie in the sky by and by must become the enemy…and numero uno is and always shall be the RCC. America was settled by disgruntled protestants who hated the fact that they had to join a national church when ever they moved from one country to another…thus we have this great land…but the biggest enemy of all is now in the saddle for all to see and fear…or worship if you are cowardly and like to salivate on cue…oh look today it is written 2+2= 5…so be it big brother you know best! …and so the onslaught continues…The Passover Plot,last temptation of Jesus,DaVinci code etc etc…all well heeled,organized and financed to destroy Mans belief in the hereafter…destroy His belief and he becomes a consumer…and that boys and girls are what our ruling class thinks we are…nothing but consumers…o wow…heres another catalog in the mail…look at all these gadgets…I want that,and that and…
Friend are just a wee bit cynical:shrug:

And Once upon a time mary had a “little Lamb”… this about this is a religious context!

:love: Mk. 12: 29 Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one; 30 and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ 31* The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”:sad_bye:

So friend, is it sufficient for a Catholic to only be truthfull?
You forgot the third type:**
Those Catholics who like me, were evangelized by their protestant brethren who loved Jesus more than the Catholic people they knew, protestants who were outspoken for the Lord and had a living faith, and with the absence of Catholics living their faith, we left the Church in order to be with those who loved and served the Lord with their whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. I didn’t want to be considered among the types of “catholics” who would have Barack Obama speak at a commencement, or covered up the name of Jesus in order to not offend the current President.
I didn’t know my faith enough to defend it, or to know better than to leave Christ because of a Judas.
The Catholic Church portrayed in the media is the only Catholic Church I knew at the time I left the Church. I didn’t have a clue for 20 yrs that there were Catholics who were faithful to the teachings of the Church, (or at least tried to be)
**Once again WELCOME HOME!

I am dismayed and astounded that so many folks actually leave the God that Created them because we have failed in some way to properly share, live ot teach our Faith.

This BY FAR is the greatest scandal in the 2000 year history of our Beloved Church. I visualize Jesus with tears streaming down His cheeks.**

Dear God Have Divine Mercy on us!
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