
Maybe you’ll get lucky, like me! Same time scenario as you. Same attitude.I was already 14.5 before I started (the week before my first day of high school), so I got teased in middle school because I was the only one who didn’t get periods. Late bloomer…
It didn’t help me like it any more though. And I still hate it! Like anything else biological, it’s not something she can will herself out of. I don’t think there’s anything you can do. Let her be a grump about it. At least she knows it’s normal and unavoidable.
My theological response to the situation was: God is not a woman; SHE wouldn’t do this to us!
But if you start late, often you finish early. I was done, done, totally, irrevocably *done *at 40! Menopause: 30 seconds feeling a kind of warmish buzz one day in my office. My doctor said: “Yup. That’s a hot flash.” And that was it! Good luck to you!