Unfortunately, my brother has been sucked into the Jehova’s witness religion. I have been trying to reason with him but I’m afraid I might be too late. We have been e-mailing back and forth and I’m having a difficult time responding to his latest email which I will show here. Can somebody help me respond adequately??
Jesus being called a god does not contradict the teachings of the Bible that there is only one God. In the Bible, the term god is used to refer to mighty creatures. Psalm 8:5 reads: “You also proceeded to make him [man] a little less than godlike ones [Hebrew, ´elo·him’],” that is, angels. When Jesus was accused of claiming to be God, he said that “the Law uses the word gods of those to whom the word of God was addressed,” that is, human judges. (John 10:34, 35. Psalm 82:1-6) Even Satan is called “the god of this system of things” at 2 Corinthians 4:4.Jesus has a much higher position than angels, imperfect men, or Satan. If they are called “gods” (mighty ones), in the Bible, then Jesus can be called “a god” since, next to his Father, he’s the mightiest. The thing about three persons in one. You say each of them is God, whole and entire. Think about that one. What do you think about John 1:18? I mentioned it in the previous email. What about John 17:3? This is from the King James Version (neutral) John 17:3: “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” Notice two things about that verse: First, Jesus is calling his Father ‘the only true God’. Also, he is saying that eternal life is knowing God and Jesus. No mention of the third person. Wouldn’t it make sense to include all three here? That way a person gets to know God as a whole. There is one more thing, Jesus was tempted. Can God be tempted? No, but angels and humans could be tempted and rebel against God and did. The temptation of Jesus would make sense only if he was, not God, but a separate individual who had his own free will, one who could have been disloyal had he chosen to be, such as an angel or a human.On the other hand, is it possible that God could sin and be disloyal to himself? No it’s not possible. So if Jesus had been God, he could not have been tempted. James 1:13. Do you agree?Now, I could go down one by one and give my comments on what you wrote, but, citing verses and our point of view will neither prove nor disprove that Jesus is or isn’t God. We have to go a little further. We have to understand what’s involved, then we’ll understand who Jesus is. Tell me what you think of what happened in the Garden of Eden? What was God’s purpose for Adam and Eve? That’s important to know because that’s where it all started. Where would Adam and Eve be if they hadn’t sinned? What was Adam’s punishment for disobeying? God’s justice is involved in this. His justice says a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand (Ex. 21:23, 24). Bear with me on this and we’ll get back to the divinity of Jesus. I’ll stop here. We can’t make it too involved. I’ll be looking for answers on John 1:18, John 17:3, if God can be tempted, and answers to the last paragraph. Hope it’s not too much.