Javier,There is one more thing, Jesus was tempted. Can God be tempted? No, but angels and humans could be tempted and rebel against God and did. The temptation of Jesus would make sense only if he was, not God, but a separate individual who had his own free will, one who could have been disloyal had he chosen to be, such as an angel or a human.
This particular statement from your brother only points out the lack of understanding of the nature of Christ.
Christ has two natures, human and divine. In His human nature, yes he can be tempted. In His divine nature–He cannot be tempted. That’s why the Lord answers Satan and said: “Thou shall not tempt the Lord your God.” Jesus was actually telling Satan not to tempt him.
Again, whenever there is an attempt by your brother to refute the Divinity of our Lord, always remember the two natures of Christ. From there he will be able to grasp the mystery of the incarnation. I once was told by a JW that why would Jesus die if he is God? The answer is very simple, it is the human nature of CHrist that died, not his Divine nature. I guess from here you will understand more the mystery.
Most JW’s, if not all, do not comprehend this that’s why they always attempt to quote Bible passages. The next time they quote Bible passages and make interpretations, simply ask them, “Who has the authority to interpret the Bible?” They always love to use the references written at the bottom of the Bible page and say that that’s the correct interpretation, which is not. They are only commentaries by theologians but they make it the “authoritative” interpretation.
God bless,