I don’t get your objection. If your daughter is to fragile to read In Cold Blood, how in the world can she even be able to attend school? I understand your wanting to opt out of a book you find offensive, but there seems to be something else going on here.
I read In Cold Blood as a freshman at a Catholic High School twenty five years ago. The book is an American masterpiece of the 20th century. It’s not nearly as bad as you’re making it out to be. The description of the murders were the most intense part of the book anyway, not the escapades of Perry’s mother.
There IS something else going on here. The world offers us these themes of creation being misused to demean mankind, rather than of creation being used to bring mankind closer to our Father in Heaven. My daughter was not made for this world. She was made for more. So were you!
Unwanted exposure to sexually explicit material at this age is a threat because it predisposes children to sexual sin and sexual addiction.
Avoid the near occasion of sin. I am trying to! And I am being undermined.
I’m not afraid of sexuality. It is a beautiful part of God’s plan and a wonderful gift. It is precisely because it is something sacred that it is so reprehensible when it is profaned.
She is not too fragile for In Cold Blood. She is too young.
And yes, In Cold Blood profanes sexuality. Not just when they watch their mother having intercourse with multiple strange men, and not just when it describes the scene with the prostitute, but also when it depicts the multiple rape experiences one of the murderers had with the “queens” in the merchant marines, and when it describes the other murderer’s attraction to pre-adolescent girls and indicates the number of victims he has left in his wake. And when he approaches one and holds her hand and she squirms to get away. And when one is considering raping one of the four murder victims because she is a teen.
The description of the murders was bloody and graphic, as you said. Murder is that way. That is an honest depiction of murder.
The depictions of sexuality were violent, ugly instances of degradation. That is a dishonest representation of what sexuality is meant to be.