ZMystiCat, first I would say it should be very different; but like anything, we’ll never know unless we try. Clearly what we are doing now is not working. In fact, I would tend to believe that they way things are today, it is no wonder they are NOT working.
Bishops and priests for the most part are not educated in business, accounting, personnel matters. Their post high school education for the most part is religious. Second, because they are not married, they do not have that spouse around keeping them in line and moral.
Anyone can abuse power. No one is immune from temptation. But with the mess we have today, we need to try something to see if we can have better oversight and a system of checks and balances.
The reason we have accounting firms audit the books is because we cannot trust management to oversee themselves and govern themselves properly. We need a lay board to oversee the churches and the archdiocese and dioceses. Bishops and priests should not be investigating themselves and overseeing themselves. We need “outside” people to provide a check and balance to the system and if you will audit the religious to make sure they are acting proper and in the best interests of the parish communities.
I also suspect that abuse has been happening for hundreds of years and has always been hidden away. Meaning even though the abuses are not recent as you state, if we don’t put in some checks and balances, the abuse will happen again as it is inevitable with the current management structure of the church.
As for the absolutely famous and well used quote on insanity, it is very common in the business world and makes a very valid point. It is far from the dumbest statement as it is incredibly insightful and absolutely correct.
Here’s another one I am sure you have heard, people who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it in the future.
I would like to point you to a Gallop Poll article. As you will see, Catholic Church attendance has been on a continual decline for the past 50+ years. Protestant attendance has remained flat.
You may believe that doing nothing is the best action. Kodak, Blockbuster Video, and many other companies and organizations thought the same way. Keep the course steady. They are all out of business or the organization ceased to exist.
Without a growing or even steady number of Catholics, we will never have the money contributed to support all the church programs. As is the Catholic School system is collapsing as families can no longer afford a Catholic eduction for their children. I also find it interesting as fewer and fewer children attend Catholic schools; fewer and fewer parent attend church on a regular basis. I think they go hand-in-hand. Without our Catholic schools, I know many parents feel that the church is just not that special from any other church and why many are moving to churches like Crossroads in the Cincinnati area. Our archdiocese even sent one of our priests to this megachurch to see why so many Catholic were going there instead of their parishes.