You’ve learned the libertarian rant. Spend time studying its consequences and the real-world negative impacts; study a serious critique of libertarianism.If we just left people alone - didn’t care what they did, as long they aren’t hurting anyone - we wouldn’t be such a bigoted backwards nation. It’s none of our business what people do in their bedroom, who they date and marry. Social justice and equality should be sought out for everyone no matter their gender and sexual orientation. We got one life to live, so tend to your garden and don’t worry what others do if it doesn’t impact you or your loved ones. Live and let live; love is love; forgive and forget.
Who cares if one enters a same-sex relationship or even marries someone of the same-sex?
Who cares if one gets an abortion?
Who cares if one smokes pot for recreational use?
Who cares if there’s explicit sex scenes in the movies you watch?
The world won’t end.
People make mistakes so deal with it. It’s their body so their choices. Wat you think doesn’t matter.