As I was going to say and make a prompt reply …
- ***“The vow of celibacy is a matter of keeping one’s word to Christ and the Church. A duty and a proof of the priest’s inner maturity; it is the expression of his personal dignity.” *Pope John Paul II
Celibacy is positive proof of the Catholic Priest’s commitment to God, the Church, and his vocation; and celibacy is proof of the priest’s independence of the material world and his metaphysical commitment to God, to remain focused and energetic with no distractions to his vocation and therefore independent of worldly weaknesses, temptations, and influences.
- Please review:
Asceticism is aligned with all world religions which include celibacy as condition of one’s commitment to their word and living proof of their word that they will not be distracted by material things in their service to God. The Japanese formed the Korean Taego Order ,1910-1954, by forcing celibate Korean Buddhist Chogye monks to get married to aid in the pacification of Korea for Japanese occupation.
No married man can prove his commitment beyond his wife and children to the utmost service of God; no married man can remain aloof from the world without being bribed, coerced, or forced to abandon the world of God to fend for his wife, children and family. No married holyman can serve two masters, his family and God, without having to make the ultimate decision between the two at some point in his life.
The celibate (Roman) Catholic Priest is focused, unbribable, outside the world of basic needs and petty influences, can operate on a minimum of material goods and petty wealth; can devote himself entirely to God, Church, vocation, without need of government support. The chaste Priest is harder to tempt and coerce than the average family man or sexually active male.
The materialist communist parties of the world were totally perplexed about celibant priests who did not fall into their communist idea of the economic determination of human behaviour, so communists simply killed all Catholic Priests in their sphere’s of influence because they didn’t conform to their flawed Communist world order.
The married minister, in the high Anglican Church, cannot be guarranteed to keep the confessional secure from their wives, particuarly at night when men tend to talk. It has been observed in high Protestant churches that you only want to disclose in the confessional what you are willing for the Reverand’s wife to gossip at dinner.
There are many good reasons for a celibant Catholic Priesthood, and it shouldn’t be ruined by the homosexual infiltration (the smoke of satan) of seminaries to disparage the sound doctrines of the Catholicism.
- "To eliminate celibacy as a requirement for the religious life would do more harm than good. It would open the doors to plenty of unworthy vocations." Mario Derksen, Former Seminarian & Priest
“The Church does benefit from the presence of celibate priests, and celibacy is a genuine calling from God, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Saint Paul, and Jesus are all exemplary examples of the celibate calling in Scripture.”
As early as the third century, local synods in the west began mandating celibate priesthood in some diocese, and excellent examples are such great saints as Anthony of the Desert; Jerome and Augustine; Francis of Assissi; Aquinas, and many more."