Hi puzzleannie,
I am sensitive to those in pain. As I said I am a survivor of childhood sxual ause, and was rpd and aused in adluthood also. It is not my understanding that the experience is not real, it is the pain that is felt that is not real. I think what C.S says is reflected the quote I used…When a sufferer is convinced that there is no realityin his belief of pain,–because matter has no sensation,hence pain in matter is a false belief,–how can he sufferlonger?..
There is no denying that matter exists, it is just that it’s sensations such as pain are unreal. It is that principle that allows me to free myself from the “mental anguish” I have suffered with for so long.
Sincerely, Laurel
like the others I want to caution you against Christian Science. I think that you need to do some more in the way of Google Search and discover the truth about them. What they teach is not the truth, and in the long run their teachings will not help you to heal from the abuse that you have suffered.
I am also speaking from past experience. I have not dabbled in the teachings of the likes of the Christian Science, but in overcoming the memories of what happened I have been guided by priests and also by a psychologist.
The key to healing is through the Scripture, and it is also through forgiveness towards those who have hurt you through abuse. That is the really hard part because when one is hurt so much the heart hardens and forgiveness is not an easy matter. During my time of healing I was asked if I had ever prayed for a woman who had caused quite a lot of hurt. It is true I had not prayed for that woman, and then during the following week, there I was in the daily Mass, and I offered up a prayer for the woman, then I was touched by God’s healing grace, having been filled with “Joy” to the point I was in tears from the experience.
There is a 12 step program, which is called either RECOVERY or GROW, depending upon location, that might be of help to you. The one thing that you need to recognize is that your feelings of hurt are a maladjustment because those feelings have been like a feeding frenzy within. Even if you can find something on line that is a 12 step program it would be better than reading any more of the Christian Science material.
It is important to recognize that priests do not necessarily know how to deal with issues relating to that kind of abuse. It is difficult for them to be able to offer consolation, let alone advice and help to get over the pain. I was fortunate in that I found a priest who also has a degree in psychology and he has guided me for a few years.
What I would also suggest is that you take a good look at the healing Gospel of St. Luke and let that Gospel message talk to you, because within the Gospel of Luke is the key to mental health.