I could be wrong here, but, you say that you’re happy as an atheist. I think that the very fact that you’re here and on these forums is evidence to the fact that you feel that you are missing something, and are in search for it. You might be “happy,” but it doesn’t seem like you’re satisfied. I would say that you’re search (whether it be for education, debate, or spiritual fulfillment) is the grace of God guiding you to “truth,” in Christian terms.
Also, you say that you’ve engaged in a period of adoration, and emotions were present during this time of prayer. While you attribute that to human nature, we, as Catholics, attribute that to the Holy Spirit, regardless of the emotions that you were feeling. I’ve felt all sort of emotions during prayer. Don’t be turned off if you feel angry or frustrated during these times. Like the old saying goes, “No pain, no gain.” That’s true in spiritual terms as well.
Lastly, instead of trying to attribute your emotions and search to human nature and curiosity, try attributing them to God. This is a leap of faith, I know, but taking this leap just may show you that faith is your decision, and leaps of faith towards God does pay off. Try praying, as all of us on the forums will, for conversion (which many have experienced, I might add), and ask God, or the unknown factor in your life, to continue leading you on, as I believe He is already doing.