Hillary collapses at controversial speech

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I can’t get either to work! My computer is becoming slower and slower.
I can’t get either to work! My computer is becoming slower and slower.
She apparently had a stomach flu and fell out right when she began her speech at the Catholic College that the pro-life people were opposed to and a Bishop had spoken against.She apparently ended up speaking any way. I would have taken it as a sign that I don’t need to be there,but that is just me.God Bless
She apparently had a stomach flu and fell out right when she began her speech at the Catholic College that the pro-life people were opposed to and a Bishop had spoken against.She apparently ended up speaking any way. I would have taken it as a sign that I don’t need to be there,but that is just me.God Bless
Wow. A chill just went up my spine. What the hey were they thinking, to ask her there in the first place?
Wow. A chill just went up my spine. What the hey were they thinking, to ask her there in the first place?
I don’t know what hey were thinking,but I know God works in different ways to tell us things and if I were her I would have NOT continued.I would have started to question the prudence of my actions:eek:
If God wanted her dead, he would have finished her off. That’s why He’ call the ALMIGHTY!
If God wanted her dead, he would have finished her off. That’s why He’ call the ALMIGHTY!
Katherine what in the world are you talking about if God wanted her dead?:eek: Are you saying that he has to zap people dead to try to tell us things:confused: I have no idea where that is coming from.Have you read the whole thread or are you trying to twist things again?Furthermore God is a loving God and I am sure He will give her every clue, every Grace and every oportunity to repent of the participation of the death of millions.
Katherine what in the world are you talking about if God wanted her dead?:eek: Are you saying that he has to zap people dead to try to tell us things:confused: I have no idea where that is coming from.Have you read the whole thread or are you trying to twist things again?Furthermore God is a loving God and I am sure He will give her every clue, every Grace and every oportunity to repent of the participation of the death of millions.
Well said, Lisa!:clapping:
Katherine what in the world are you talking about if God wanted her dead?:eek: Are you saying that he has to zap people dead to try to tell us things:confused: I have no idea where that is coming from.Have you read the whole thread or are you trying to twist things again?Furthermore God is a loving God and I am sure He will give her every clue, every Grace and every oportunity to repent of the participation of the death of millions.
Good post, Lisa.
Oddly enough, her gesture toward pro-life may be what breaks the logjam on prolife legislation. It’s not good for one party to have a monopoly on this issue (even if it is my party) and she is the only one with the cred to compromise without danger to her candidacy. Politics is indeed strange…
I would trust a gesture towards pro life from her about as much as I’d trust a kiss from a 6’ rattlesnake.
I can’t get either to work! My computer is becoming slower and slower.
Please go to the support forum and post to the complaint thread there - a number of us have complained but we never hear from anyone - perhaps if enough of the posters here complain they will understand it isn’t just an infrequent or occasional problem.
What a cleaver political stunt to play if her “fainting” was a fake. What better way to get the attention of the news media to announce to the country, and particularly Catholics, that she was allowed to speak at a Catholic college.

I, myself, pray for the “wicked be thwarted.”
jim orr:
What a cleaver political stunt to play if her “fainting” was a fake. What better way to get the attention of the news media to announce to the country, and particularly Catholics, that she was allowed to speak at a Catholic college.

I, myself, pray for the “wicked be thwarted.”
The report says she became white, and looked like a ghost… but no way was it the Holy Ghost. And no way is she becoming pro-choice!
I’m glad she is alright.
I am too, I hope she tries to take a second look on her stance about life honestly because if I were her I would wonder why this happened where it did,and under the circumstances of which it happened. God Bless
I am too, I hope she tries to take a second look on her stance about life honestly because if I were her I would wonder why this happened where it did,and under the circumstances of which it happened. God Bless
Simple; if it was ligit - it was a panic attack. If not - a good fake.
jim orr:
Simple; if it was ligit - it was a panic attack. If not - a good fake.
I don’t trust her either, but the pictures of her after the fact she looked horrible:eek: If I were her it would scare me and I would start taking inventory of my actions:nope: The Bishop didn’t approve of her being there,and there were pro-lifers protesting and last but not least it was a Catholic College.I would have been looking at all these factors and think to myself"Is God Trying to tell me something?"If I were her I would start thinking about these things,aiding in the murder of countless unborn is just not something I would want to want to die unrepented:eek: God Bless
I’m praying for her good health.
I’m praying, too, but not for her good health.

What happens to her here in this world (as with all of us) really isn’t all that important. The only important thing in this world is how well you use it to prepare for the next.

I’m praying rather for her spiritual health----meaning the state of her immortal soul, and how she is going to be judged after her death for supporting this hideous and diabolical practice of chopping up innocent infants and throwing them out like so much blood-soaked garbage. In this, she is very ill—very, very ill indeed.

When she has to stand before Christ and answer for her unswerving devotion to this abomination, she’s going to have a lot more to worry about than stomach flu.
We have another thread on the speech

She plans to go ahead with the speach

After the Bishops response,Church teachings the outcry of the Pro-life community,and falling out,I would Not go ahead with the speech:eek:
Those links aren’t working so I can’t see what the source was. Isn’t she pushing for abolishing abortion at its very core instead of after the fact? This is something I’ve been saying for years, but felt like hardly anyone is listening. I’m amazed anyone is saying it in public.
Assuming she just had a stomach flu, she still should not have been out in public speading the germs. The stomack flu strikes some people especially hard, causing them to become dehydrated and requiring hospitalization. There have been several bad outbreaks of the stomach flu in the area and if that is what she had, then she should have thought of those to whom she would be spreading her germs and stayed home. Of course, pro-aborts tend to be self-absorbed . . . .
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