Hispanics and Our Lady of Guadalupe?

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I am hispanic and I voted for Bush and all the republicans last vote around, because I know that abortion is the major issue. At least that is what I believe. I have noticed that some Hispanics who don’t understand that this is the major issue here voted for the abortion people, but I don’t think they realized how awful and serious abortion is. They were confused. It seems that some Democrats target Hispanics anyhow in their campaigns, because they say they are for them. However some Democrats who are for abortion are for no one because they are not for the most innocent life there is. So hispanics who are not confused about this, vote pro-life. I know my family voted pro-life last year and I have friends whom I know voted pro-life as well. We will do the same this year.

I love the true story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Immaculate Conception. She is pregnant and can be prayed to for the unborn because of this. This is very clear to me, and those Hispanics who see this can understand that abortion is so evil and so horrible and demonic.

Not all Hispanics are Democrats. So please don’t say all Hispanics are, if you were. Thanks.

Ditto. I am doing everything I can to promote hispanic votes for pro-life candidates here in Houston, especially for the upcoming general elections. I had the privilege to be invited to a local radio program, in which I’ll be talking about the “five non-negotiable” issues. I pray to God that a lot of people will tune in. The station is 1320 AM “Radio Unica” in Houston, and the program airs at 9:00AM on Saturdays.

There are too many hispanics that do not understand what a vote for a pro-choice candidate means with respect to the unborn. They need to be evangelized and taught the Truth.

Thanks for your post.

Jorge. 👍

Hello. While I’m very happy you are familiar and respect the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I’m a bit troubled by your post. You seem to imply that Hispanics are somehow behind some illegal Democratic agenda to grab power. First, are you familiar with how the Kenedy’s came to power? Second, I sincerely doubt that with the sophisticated voting procedures in CA that any ghosts or illegals could vote in any general election. Third, there’s this guy named Kerry who’s currently running for president. He’s Irish/Jewish and to the best of my knowledge not Hispanic at all. And surprise: he’s pro-abortion and claims to be Catholic.
I am very glad that you are doing a radio program to evangelize Hispanics. I am so sorry that I do not speak Spanish. I took it in grade school, high school, and even in college, but never graduated college. I would probably need to go to Mexico for a while to learn it. God bless you. I hope many hear your program.

I don’t think you grasped what Arlene’s purpose was when she started this thread. You may be reading things she is not even implying. I don’t feel troubled at all. I’m glad this subject is being talked about. There are too many people that will not touch “controversial” subjects because they may hurt someone’s feelings, even though it’s about Church Teaching = the Truth. We, as hispanics, are not immune to these precepts, just as John Kerry is not immune to them.

The fact is that more Catholic hispanics, especially those with a close devotion to the Virgin of Guadalupe need to vote more like Catholics. The statistics seem to point to the contrary. Facts are facts, and we need to do a better job at evangelizing this part of the Body of Christ. :bowdown2:

As hispanics, we need to be more proactive in promoting the teachings of the Magisterium and stop making excuses for those in our communities who do not act in accordance to the teachings of the Church. It doesn’t matter who is running for president, that is not what this thread is about.


I don’t think you grasped what Arlene’s purpose was when she started this thread. You may be reading things she is not even implying. I don’t feel troubled at all. I’m glad this subject is being talked about. There are too many people that will not touch “controversial” subjects because they may hurt someone’s feelings, even though it’s about Church Teaching = the Truth. We, as hispanics, are not immune to these precepts, just as John Kerry is not immune to them.

The fact is that more Catholic hispanics, especially those with a close devotion to the Virgin of Guadalupe need to vote more like Catholics. The statistics seem to point to the contrary. Facts are facts, and we need to do a better job at evangelizing this part of the Body of Christ. :bowdown2:

As hispanics, we need to be more proactive in promoting the teachings of the Magisterium and stop making excuses for those in our communities who do not act in accordance to the teachings of the Church. It doesn’t matter who is running for president, that is not what this thread is about.

In full agreement!

Antonio 🙂
Hola Jorge,

Gracias por tu respuesta. Pero por favor, no soy nada “hispanic”. Soy Latino hecho y derecho. Yo sé que muchos latinos en los EEUU votan por el partido democáta (bueno, menos los Cubanos). Pero eso no quiere decir que no les importa el tema del aborto. Total de que a veces los más católicos votan por el partido demócrata simplemente porqué el candidato ó su plataforma les habla sobre temas sociales que les toca personalmente. Los Demócratas por la mayor parte hablan en favor de más inmigración, beneficios sociales y tal. Si tú eres una madre latina y católica con 5 hijos en casa cuyo esposo trabaja hasta 70 horas a la semana ¿a quién le vas: al candidato que te promete menos impuestos y mejores condicciones en tu hogar ó a un candidato cuya plataforma se trata del aborto (que tú a propósito jamás considerarías hacerte)? Además, el gobernador Republicano y supuestamente Católico, Arnold Schwarzenegger que a penas tiene dos células cerebrales que funcionan es en favor del aborto. ¿Que tipo de mensaje es eso?

No es la culpa de los latinos si es que votan demócrata. Por lo bueno ó por lo malo parece ser el partido que más les habla y a lo menos pretende ser interesado en su bienestar. Y es óbvio que hasta los republicanos quieren a sus candidatos en favor del aborto si les lleva al poder.

(a propósito…no soy demócrata)

Gracias. Muy amable tu respuesta. Tienes mucha razón que la madre católica con 5 hijos cuyo marido que trabaja 70 horas a la semana votaría por el candidato que le prometa más beneficios. Ahora, te falta algo: esta madre quizás es ignorante de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica, y ésto es lo que hay que mostrarle a ésta señora y recalcearle. Basta de ´´pecar por ignorante´´. Esto es lo que me refiero cuando digo que hay que evangelizar a nuestro pueblo, y mantenerlo alineado con la Iglesia.

Quizás, si ella viera las fotos de los niños cortados, ultrajados, quemados con soluciones salinas corrosivas, ella entendiera que éste asunto del aborto es un mal (maldad) mucho más grave que el hecho de que ella tiene poca comida, 5 bocas que alimentar, un marido que llega exhausto al hogar del trabajo, etcétera, etcétera. Quizás, de ésta forma, la maldad del aborto se le haga más personal a ésta madre, especialmente porque ha tenido cinco hijos.

Nosotros los hispanos somos luchadores, y echamos pa’lante. No podemos caer en la tentación de que no podemos conseguir las cosas por cuenta propia de la misma forma que otros grupos étnicos. De ésta forma se les haría más fácil a otros poner en tela de juicio nuestra respuesta a la llamada de Jesús a ser ´´testigos de la Verdad´´, ´´sal de la tierra´´, ´´luz del mundo´´ (Mateo 5, 13:16). 👍

La madre de tu ejemplo todavía tiene a sus 5 (cinco, cuéntalos) hijos, un hogar en el país más rico del mundo, un marido esforzado, y millares de oportunidades para mejorar. El niño de mi ejemplo la única defensa que tuvo fue la reacción e instinto natural que un ser humano tiene cuando es acozado: huir de lo que lo amenaza. Esta criatura trata de esconderse más profundamente en el lugar que debiera ser el más seguro del mundo, pero en vano. Es cortado como si fuera un cáncer. Ahora, dime tú: ¿cómo puedo yo responder a la llamada que me hace Cristo al Martirio (ser testigo de su amor), defendiendo éstas 4,000 criaturas que mueren por día, o preocupándome por mis problemas diarios, que siempre voy a tener, no importa que me prometan los políticos?

Dicho sea de paso, yo estoy en el mismo bote que el marido que trabaja 70 horar por semana, y tampoco soy demócrata ni republicano, soy católico, y después latino.

Tu hermano en Cristo, :angel1:

Hola Jorge,

Gracias por tu respuesta. Estoy de acuerdo contigo en el sentido que más evangelizacion nunca viene mal. Sobre todo para nuestra comunidad. Me choca ver cuantos latinos se han convertido a los sectas. Y me pesa que todo eso ha ocurrido por la mayor parte con la ayuda e influencia de los EEUU. Por eso, no confío mucho en la politica. Voy de custumbre a los candidatos republicanos, pero únicamente por qué voy de acuerdo con su plataforma MÁS que la de los demócratas. Pero como dije, hay muchos republicanos que apoyan el aborto. Por eso voto mi conciencia y ya.

Me late lo que dijiste en cuanto a tus prioridades. Yo tambien soy Católico, latino y luego ciudadano de los EEUU. Así me identifico. Si el papa dice no a la guerra, ni lo pienso dos veces. Hay una autoridad más grande que Cesar.
If anyone can translate the messages in Spanish, we would appreciate it.

I think that we can all agree, whether we are Catholic Hispanics, Americans, Europeans, Asians, Africans, Indians, etc., we CANNOT and SHOULD NOT present ourselves for Holy Communion, or before statues of the Virgin and the Saints, without a full examination of conscience. Are we, indeed, in the state of grace or not? Is our mind conformed to godly values? Or do we say we serve Jesus Christ and then, like Judas, betray Him in our daily lives, our social lives, our political lives, our spiritual lives?

Is our Yes really Yes, and are No really No? Or are we nothing more than hypocrites, giving lip service to our Catholicism?

I would again urge Hispanics to find the courage to speak out on this subject with your communities. Find the leaders who will do the same. Hispanics are the fastest growing Catholic political bloc in this country. What message do you have to give us? Will you use your voting power for good or evil? Would Our Lady of Guadalupe give her blessings on the principles and values you represent?

Arlene Alice
Vote Life America !
You are right on the money with this issue. We cannot separate our political beliefs from our religious beliefs. We are morally obligated to vote for the candidates who do not support abortion irregardless of their party. The church does publish a Voters Guide that will give you the voting record on what the candidates running for office have been supporting. Abortion should be the number issue to be aware of when voting. Abortion violates human life and is against catholic doctrine. No other issue is more important. When the church speaks out and refuses communion to politicians who advocate abortion rights for women it is doing what it is morally obligated to do, this does not violate sparation of church and state. If we continue to preach just to the choir and not to the public we are not being effective. This has been a fault of the church in the past and it needs to change.
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