This is what the Soviets did. If you got on Stalin’s bad side, they airbrushed you out of pictures.
Among other things…This is what the Soviets did. If you got on Stalin’s bad side, they airbrushed you out of pictures.
Some of us - passengers and crew - formed a chain to pass women and children through to the boat deck. We worked with one hand grabbing a rail and the other grasping hands, shoulders, legs and even hair to steady the tumbling bodies.
From the boat deck rail - which was leaning at about 40 degrees - I saw one lifeboat jam-packed with old folk, women and children, splash into the water.
Thank God I missed seeing it capsize a few minutes later.
https://www.nzherald.co.nz/new-zeal...ws/article.cfm?c_id=1503278&objectid=11141778…There seemed room in it [an uncapsized life raft] for only our smallest, but most important passenger. This was a small baby being held clear of the water by its young father.
As I took the crying bundle in its waterlogged blanket the father shouted to me: “Just in case we don’t make it, tell them her name is Judy Vaughan.”