The Church has always held that cotraception was immoral and a grevious sin. Always. It was affirmed again in 1968. Up until 1932 , BTW, there had never been a Christian Faith that approved contraception.
The OP was not involving contraception whatsoever, but a method of reducing the transmission of disease, which is a fundamental good. The result that the method is also contraceptive is part of double effect, and is not part of the original intention at all. It puts me in mind of a discussion on another thread about treatment for an ectopic pregnancy, that necessarily results in the loss of the embryo, though that is not the desire.
What you call “adapting to the times” is nothing more than preaching situation ethics-that is morality is based on your view the current situation. You want the Church to overturn 2,000 years of teachings out of a misguided compassion for people in a certain region at a certain point in time. The Church can not do that. Either condom use is right or it is wrong. It cant be “right” in one place and “wrong” in another place or time.
Moral behavior is most certainly reflective of the current situation. THere are moral absolutes, but the way one applies those (ethics) is contingent upon a number of variables. It is necessary, at times, to choose the lesser of two evils. The Moral Imperitive does not change, but the manner in which it is applied may.
Taking care of the sick helping to make sure they die with the sacraments and with human dignity would be far more caring and loving that condoning people to live in sin.
This is exactly correct, of course. It is also what is being proposed by the OP. The suggestion is that it is better for himan dignity, more caring, and more loving if people are encouraged to mitigate the transmission of disease.
It never seems to occur to some that there are certain laws that just can’t be broken with out sin. It is against Natural Law to take the procreative element out of sex - marital or otherwise. When you do, even to “save a life” you have perverted the act and made it an abomination. Again you can’t make an immoral action right because it meets the ends you like.
No, but you can mitigate the evil outcomes of the immoral act by reducing the negative consequences of the immoral act. Jesus taught that there are greater and lesser sins:
John 19:11
he who delivered me to you has the greater sin."
Both are sins, but some have worse consequences than others. We have a responsibility, in the face of greater sins being committed, to do all that we can to make them “lesser sins”.
No one is telling people God wants them to die a horrible death-they are telling them if they follow the teachings of God’s Church they wont get the disease in the first place.
Would that this were true! Yes, for the moral perpetrators, this principle does apply. But we also have to think about those that get infected without having a choice. An example was given earlier about coerced sex. One also needs to consider health care workers that have been infected, and children who are born infected. This disease affects many who are innocent of mortal sin.