From Fr K, SJ
In our bewilderment and puzzlement as to how to deal with the problems that HIV/AIDS brings, let us be grateful for the way the Church and its members have shown themselves so faithful to what the Lord asked of us, that we copy what he has done. And let us continue to examine how in our lives, our families, our Small Christian Communities, our parishes, our religious communities, our organisations, we can extend that response of service. At this time, more than at any other, let us see how we can be Christ to our suffering brothers and sisters, to bereft orphans, to vulnerable children, to grandparents facing yet again the challenge of rearing children.
God’s concern for the world was greatest, his saving power was at its most intense, when in the mocked, despised, agonising, and almost despairing person of Jesus he died on the cross. Today, God still shows that mysterious, deep, powerful love by suffering in a person dying from AIDS, by grieving in a family that loses its loved one, by crying in an orphan left without mother or father.