You didnt answer my question. You listed a whole list of sexual abusers and infered that they would wear condoms if only the Church didnt ban it. If that was not your inference then it had no relevance to the topic.
Of course it is relevant! Perhaps you did not read carefully. What is true is that by opposing the use of condoms, the Church has put many at-risk individuals at great risk because of their informed conscience as Catholics. Your sense of the discussion is skewed somewhat with regar to the underlined sentence.
You claim that the Church’s approval of condoms would make acceptance of them more prevalent but seem to believe that the opposite is not true-that the Church’s teachng of monogamy and abstinence would no likewise have an effect.
Of course it is having an effect! Many people are committed to abstinence and to monogamy, but others are not. A man who fools around may infect his wife, who is the primary care-giver for her children. If she dies, they may die with her, or live a life of extreme disadvantage, particularly as socialisation is concerned.
In addtion you want the Church to change its teachings based on the circumstances in one region of the world at one particular time in history. Morality does not change from region to region nor does it change over time. As one Cardinal put it Governments think in terms of years, the Vatican thinks in terms of Centuries.
It may be that the Church will have fewer members than it does now: people are dying in droves out there, many of them Catholic.
I think answers to your common misunderstanding are contained in other postings. You have perhaps not understood the intent of the discussion wrt underlined sentences. I have tried to add my bit.
But you need to be
very clear about one thing: this pandemic is in no way confined to any one region of the world, and it is moving at a rate of knots globally, and the virus that transmits it is able to mutate to the extent that it remains virulent in whatever conditions it lives in, regardless of anti-viral drugs being used (in the last couple of years, out of the 30 for which the prion has been loosed on the world).
I have seen the massive increases in Asia, the Caribbean, Russia, other parts of the former USSR. China and India are particularly at risk.
And do you know what? Spread in China is not now principally the result of sexuality. At least fifteen million people in Yenan Province are infected, most of them because of unsterilised equipment used to take blood from them, which is then sold to buy fertiliser for their crops. In Asia generally, some governments have kept infection rates down by targetting prostitutes, men who have sex with men, and drug abusers. That worked for a while. But of course people who consort with prostitutes are at risk, many homosexuals may be bisexual and drug abusers have sex with wives etc. That has meant that within the last ten years, we have seen a dramatic increase in HIV infection in the general population, carried there by prostitutes, bisexuals and abusers. China prefers to hide its statistics, and has in the past jailed those who published them.
India is of particular concern because although ‘only’ 2 per cent of the population may be infected, that is still 2 per cent of over a billion people, and it is believed there are more people infected there than in any other country, including South Africa - which has one of the highest infection rates in Africa.
I hope this helps answer your original question.