Nothing of the kind. I was simply saying that pointing out the obvious fact that we are no longer in the Middle Ages does not constitute a refutation of a medieval idea. .
Nonsense – you were accusing me of “timeism” or something like that.
And since
you advanced the argument, the burden of proof is on you.
You have to show that it applies – and you’ve failed.
Because it is a relevant moral principle–some sins have to be tolerated as a matter of law and social policy, in order to prevent worse evils. Augustine and Aquinas both thought this.
And did they go around handing out condoms?
You say they support your position – but offer no proof.
You say we can take examples from the Ancient World and the Middle Ages and apply them to this issue – but offer no proof.
These are important authorities for me,
Because you think you can twist them to attack the Church’s teaching.
and I would have thought that they were for you as well
You put your spin on them, and I do not accept your spin as valid.
So far, none of my catechumens have AIDS.
The point is that she makes fighting AIDS her life’s work.
In other words, she makes a good living off it.
She is more likely to know something about the subject than either you or I.
Not when she goes around leading people down the garden path of “safe sex means use a condom.”
Are you saying that citing any thinker from the past is illegitimate?
When you put your spin on it, it isn’t a “thinker from the past” who is speaking – it’s you.
Just how is tradition relevant, in your view?
It is relevant when the Church uses it in matters of Faith and Morals – not when you use it to claim the Church is wrong.
I do not follow you at all, and I think you are flailing around desperately to avoid dealing with the argument.
What argument is that? Condoms do not make for “safe sex.” Only abstinence can halt the spread of AIDS.
It’s not extraneous at all. It’s the basic issue at stake. You and others here are assuming that if we tolerate condom distribution we are saying that either sexual immorality or artificial birth control or both are OK.
In this case, you are saying only that sexual immorality is OK – I didn’t notice anyone beating the drum for artificial birth control.
I am pointing out that there is a longstanding tradition in the Church to the effect that you can tolerate something socially while condemning it morally. You are desperately trying to avoid dealing with this issue, because it complicates the simplistic argument you are making. IT’s “extraneous” only in the sense that it works against the point you want to make!
Can you cite the paragraph in the Catechism that says, “Condoms prevent AIDS, so it’s okay to use them while having homosexual relations?”
I certainly am not. Nerfherder, are you advocating telling people that sex with condoms is completely safe?
And yet that’s what you are doing. What other message are they to take from your position?
Once is enough to make the point as a matter of principle (and the person to whom it happened would certainly worry). However, in a society with high mortality this scenario might well happen quite frequently.
And yet you’re still at your keyboard.
Because they are a second line of defense for the cases where people’s passions get the better of them.
Those passions are more likely to “get the better of them” when “experts” tell them using condoms is “safe sex.”
I don’t follow. It is what? I said that telling people condoms don’t reduce risk is lying.
Because they** don’t** reduce risk – any risk reduction from a
single sex act is more than offset by the increased sexual activity resulting from a false confidence in “safe sex.”
You are saying that telling people this is lying if the disease is incurable? I would agree, which is why I think this kind of anti-condom propaganda is immoral.
So you would tell them to go ahead and do their thing – the condom will protect you?
People should be told that condoms are not the ideal answer, but they should not be given the impression that they make no difference.
People should be told that condoms are not an answer, period. And they should not be given the impression that using condoms is “safe sex.”