For starters please show me any place where either of them teaches natural death is evil.Because it is a relevant moral principle–some sins have to be tolerated as a matter of law and social policy, in order to prevent worse evils. Augustine and Aquinas both thought this. These are important authorities for me, and I would have thought that they were for you as well (but apparently you think that citing them is an example of “holier-than-thou Political Correctness”–surely the weirdest definition of political correctness I have ever heard!).
Also please show me an example of where either of them taught that you could actively engage in something intrinsically evil with a good outcome.
Wheres the second line of defense of their imortal soul or the one for the soul of the person that told them condom use was okay.Because they are a second line of defense for the cases where people’s passions get the better of them.
If you knew that eating sugar would kill you, would you still eat the sugar?
Anti-condom propaganda? The teaching of the church on the purpose of sex is anti-condom propaganda?I don’t follow. It is what? I said that telling people condoms don’t reduce risk is lying. You are saying that telling people this is lying if the disease is incurable? I would agree, which is why I think this kind of anti-condom propaganda is immoral. People should be told that condoms are not the ideal answer, but they should not be given the impression that they make no difference.
Natural Death is not immoral.
Having HIV/AIDS is not immoral.
Martial sex open to life is not immoral.
Marital sex that is not open to life destroys the marital act and makes it masturbation and is immoral.
If you are not open to life you have no right to sex even in marriage. You can not be open to life and use a condom, even if you think your trying to save a life. The whole idea of a condom in marriage is directly opposed to the very essence of marriage.