Beckymarie - I forgot to say thank you. Thank you!
You’re welcome.Yeah, I agree with you. It does seem heretic. And yet - I’m not trying to beat a dead horse here, bear with me - it’s not really proof, is it? What was written there could mean a number of things.
“Pharisees” could be referring to lay people (or priests) who don’t like Holy Love. Not necessarily bishops. But, I agree, they could have put it much more clearly.
Oh I dunno …
That sounds like a new way to sell this old lie:Hi all,
This has me concerned. This message was given on June 14, 2008.
“Secretness is not of God, but of the spirit of darkness…”
How do you explain the secrets given to visionaries in Medjugorje and the Fatima secrets? I am puzzled by this.![]()
July 9, 2008
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“Please understand that Satan is not so complex an enemy as you think. He always opposes the truth–any morsel of the truth. Since Holy Love is the Foundation of Truth, the enemy zeros in on Holy Love in the heart.”
“If you are living the commandments of love, you must realize that you are the enemy of evil. Therefore, the battle lines have been drawn. However, My Mother’s arsenal of grace is far more powerful than Satan’s pomp. In humility, we will defeat him; with love, we will chain him.”
“Be at peace.”
July 10, 2008
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.” “I tell you solemnly that those who think they have the truth, but oppose Holy Love, have been tricked by Satan. Holy Love is the path of truth, the journey into the Flame of Love, the embodiment of the 10 Commandments, the way to personal holiness, and even sanctification.”
“Think, then, what you oppose and whom you oppose. Do not be so caught up in intellectual pride to believe that you have all the answers without Holy Love. This message is salvific–simple, yet complex. I proclaimed this very message when I was amongst you.”
“Do not think foolishly that because I come for all people, all nations, you are too good to be amongst such as these. Your Lord and Savior calls you. Respond!”
The organization’s Web site, at www.holylove.org, offers testimonials, an archive of Sweeney-Kyle’s messages and a history of the organization that “documents the Ministry’s struggles and the unwarranted attacks, untruths and calumnies by Diocesan officials of Cleveland.”
It’s clear the organization remains at odds with the Catholic Church. The ministry sought approval of Sweeney-Kyle’s messages through official channels for several years, but the Catholic diocese issued a statement urging extreme caution in 1999. Holy Love Ministries reacted by claiming to take an ecumenical approach, but rails against the church in many of its printed materials.
The Rev. Ralph Wiatrowski, chancellor of the diocese, says his concerns have only grown more serious.
campus.udayton.edu/mary/news05/20051123.html“Private revelations, like Lourdes, underline what we know to be true–prayer and penance. But these ‘messages’ are getting more complex, elaborate and contrary to the teachings of the church. What’s disturbing is they are self-authenticating. They are said to be true because ‘Mary told me.’ We don’t want to discourage anyone from praying by any means, but we want them to stick with what we know to be true: Scripture, the teaching of the church and the celebration of the Mass.”