Hi Patricius,There certainly was doubt on Abraham’s part, or else it wouldn’t have been much of a test!
Okay, if you really “know” God, then you know He doesn’t want you to murder innocent people! And if you really love God, then you also love your neighbor as yourself. I would hope this implies not slaughtering your son-- especially if you know God well enough to understand that He would never want something like that! If Abraham really knew God, and thought he heard a voice telling him to slaughter his son, he should have cloncluded that he was hallucinating.
Was Abraham “in God’s presence”? Well, you must agree that God is omnipresent, so I’m not sure what that question means. And why should Abraham be excluded from the group “man,” which is supposed to know good and evil?
I think this story just works so much better if we don’t try to force an overly historical reading onto it.
The first line in bold type. Okay etc.
This is the answer. Our faith in His love and wisdom , accepting we dont understand. To us it may seem wrong but who are we to advise God. Trust Him , He loves you more than you could possibly love anyone. In the moment of your greatest love for someone, could you hurt them? God can not hurt you, will not hurt you, will not allow you to be hurt, as He is love and you are putting your trust in Him. For a person to doubt His love is from a lack of understanding otherwise it would be counted at least as callousness. Put this firmly in your heart, God loves you, and if you are one who seeks to do His will, he will also bless you.
Love moves His hand. God does not allow people to die or be killed for the fun of it. The death of a bad person is grief to Him.He who is love would much prefer that the person who died, chose His will so that he may live. I used this example before, because Jesus had a lesson in it for me. The conflict in Afganistan. This first had God’s hallmarks on it when, before September, the Taliban invoked God because they blew up the largest Buddha statue in the world. They did this to appease God so that He would bless their attack on America. This in turn bought America to Afganistan. I can tell you God took no delight in the killing of the Taliban, He was grieved by it but His love for the suffering Afgans was more. The whole episode was a grief to God, and we cause this by our lack of seeking His will. We are responsible not God. God does not go anywhere to kill anyone. He has to go to rescue the downtrodden. He would much prefer the downtrodden to be freed without loss of life or distress.
When Christ speaks you know. A full stop.
Christ be with you
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