Homeopathic crystal-based cures?

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I have a friend asking me about homeopathic crystal-based remedies. A google search brings up everything from “they’re useless” and “they’re Satanic” to “they cured me!” Does anyone know REPUTABLE sources for info about whether Catholics are opening themselves to evil spirits by using these remedies? My friend is interested in the spiritual aspect & I wasn’t able to find anything definitive so I thought I turn here to see if ya’ll knew of solid resources for her?
I wasn’t able to find anything definitive
Of course, you couldn’t. The Church doesn’t waste its time investigating and pronouncing on every single of the gazillions of bogus quack treatments out there. The Church does, though, strongly condemn fraud, and quackery certainly qualifies as fraud.
crystals are new age, as such they are diabolic. They have no power. demons might play with the person using the crystal and pretend to give it power . But crystals are just minerals,

For reputable sources google some of the Exorcists in the Catholic Church and how ro guard yourself against opening that door to the diabolic.

We need to start listening to our Priest Exorcists.
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Some good Exorcist Priests are Fr Gary Thomas and Fr Rippeger for simple interesting internet talks
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There is nothing in the physical make-up of crystals that accomplishes anything. This could be either nonsense or it could be an occult practice or else it could be both (since the occult is a deception straight from the Great Liar Himself).
Of course crystals have power, they are used in circuit boards that are in machines that diagnose you. I wouldn’t go eating one though😜
Of course crystals have power, they are used in circuit boards that are in machines that diagnose you. I wouldn’t go eating one though😜
They do not have power. they conduct. Big difference,
I don’t ‘believe in’ homeopathy.I had read the studies testing its effectiveness and it works no better than placebo. For anything. Full stop (trans for US: period).

So I ‘know’ as well as I can know anything that homeopathy is useless for treating anything. I am an ‘homeopathist’.

I also don’t ‘believe’ in God, angels, heaven and hell. But there are no studies testing whether they exist of not, at least any as compelling as those that debunk homeopathy.

Generally, homeopathy makes claims that can be tested. ‘Take this and your rash will disappear faster than if you don’t’. Generally, religion makes claims that cannot be tested. ‘There is a God’. ‘Mary was assumed bodily into heaven’. ‘The evil influences people’s behaviour’. So in this regard I must be an agnostic rather than an ‘atheist’ or an ‘aassumptionist’ or an ‘adevelist’.

Sometimes Christians make claims that can be tested: ‘incorrupt saints’ bodies’; ‘miraculous cures’. When these are tested in the same way as homeopathy, they have the same result.

But the claims of the creeds, for example, are untestable.

I’m not entirely sure why I have delivered this sermon on a molehill, but I hope someone finds it interesting.
I’m not entirely sure why I have delivered this sermon on a molehill, but I hope someone finds it interesting.
Interesting and thought-provoking.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Homeopathy (natural medicine) works for me.

Crystals are pretty to look at but serve no medicinal purpose whatsoever.
I have a friend asking me about homeopathic crystal-based remedies. A google search brings up everything from “they’re useless” and “they’re Satanic” to “they cured me!” Does anyone know REPUTABLE sources for info about whether Catholics are opening themselves to evil spirits by using these remedies? My friend is interested in the spiritual aspect & I wasn’t able to find anything definitive so I thought I turn here to see if ya’ll knew of solid resources for her?
Homeopathy is water. It doesn’t do anything.

Crystal formations also don’t do anything.
There is a lot of natural medicine that is not homeopathy. It works well when used along with regular medicine.
For example, my lung specialist has no problem with natural things like tea with honey or chicken soup to relieve symptoms but if I need an antibiotic she prescribes it and I take it.
Of course crystals have power, they are used in circuit boards that are in machines that diagnose you. I wouldn’t go eating one though😜
I take it you never put salt in your food?

Or sugar for that matter.

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Sometimes Christians make claims that can be tested: ‘incorrupt saints’ bodies’; ‘miraculous cures’. When these are tested in the same way as homeopathy, they have the same result.
Well, actually, if you looked into it, this is not actually true.

After many mental twists and turns, we reached the same conclusions as Carrel some eighty to hundred years ago: “Instead of being a simple place of miracles, of interest only to the pious, Lourdes presents a considerable scientific interest,” and “Although uncommon, the miraculous cures are evidence of somatic and mental processes we do not know.” Upping the ante, we dare write that understanding these processes could bring about new and effective therapeutic methods.

Rather, I’d say that not even the Church takes every claim of a miraculous cure at face value, nor does the Church make belief in cures the Church confirms as plausibly miraculous to be a matter of dogma. You’ll find that investigation of cures put forward as evidence of sanctity in canonization proceedings does not by any means rush to a positive conclusion.

As for incorruptible bodies, many of the saints were big into fasting and very simple diets at the end of their lives, which some skeptics will point to as the reason that some of their bodies desiccate without the same kind of putrification that is seen in other corpes following death. (That is, similar results are sometimes observed in monks of other faiths.) Again, the Church does not make the observation of a lack of putrification into an article of faith about the person’s life.
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When these are tested in the same way as homeopathy, they have the same result.
I would love to see where you got this idea from. Since the dawn of modern science, nothing is officially proclaimed a miracle until it has been determined to have no known natural cause.

As for the OP, crystal healing is utter nonsense. Your friend is sadly wasting their time. Any positive effect is likely attributable to the same unknown factors that we see when placebos seem to help.
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Since the dawn of modern science, nothing is officially proclaimed a miracle until it has been determined to have no known natural cause.
Sometimes Christians make claims that can be tested: ‘incorrupt saints’ bodies’; ‘miraculous cures’. When these are tested in the same way as homeopathy, they have the same result.
Thank you for the interesting link. Nothing in it I am afraid to alter my view.
The structure of a crystal as an orderly array of atoms may trigger some impulse or emotion or temperament in a person. Kind of like the power of positive thinking. Concentrating to beauty and goodness would seem more likely to trigger the body’s healing mechanisms versus focusing on the negative. Not that the crystal contains “magic”, but if it was, say, given to you by a good friends and it triggers good feelings about them and about life and that helps someone deal better with a challenge, I wouldn’t think there was any harm in it, so long as we remember that all the good things we might receive come from God.
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