I don’t ‘believe in’ homeopathy.I had read the studies testing its effectiveness and it works no better than placebo. For anything. Full stop (trans for US: period).
So I ‘know’ as well as I can know anything that homeopathy is useless for treating anything. I am an ‘homeopathist’.
I also don’t ‘believe’ in God, angels, heaven and hell. But there are no studies testing whether they exist of not, at least any as compelling as those that debunk homeopathy.
Generally, homeopathy makes claims that can be tested. ‘Take this and your rash will disappear faster than if you don’t’. Generally, religion makes claims that cannot be tested. ‘There is a God’. ‘Mary was assumed bodily into heaven’. ‘The evil influences people’s behaviour’. So in this regard I must be an agnostic rather than an ‘atheist’ or an ‘aassumptionist’ or an ‘adevelist’.
Sometimes Christians make claims that can be tested: ‘incorrupt saints’ bodies’; ‘miraculous cures’. When these are tested in the same way as homeopathy, they have the same result.
But the claims of the creeds, for example, are untestable.
I’m not entirely sure why I have delivered this sermon on a molehill, but I hope someone finds it interesting.