Having a high school education without learning a trade is worthless. A college education is the bare minimum.
Of course just having a high school diploma is worthless–no one gets paid just because they earned a diploma.
But…without that high school diploma, you are not likely to be admitted into a trade school to learn a trade, and unless you have a loving relative who owns a company, you are not likely to get the training on-the-job to learn that trade (which used to be the way people learned trades, but not anymore).
And I’m pretty certain that the military requires a high school diploma–I know that they used to help recruits get their G.E.D., but I think ?? that was for those who were drafted.
And obviously you won’t be admitted into any college without a high school diploma.
I’m not sure if a real estate licence requires a high school diploma? I think it does.
Even sports teams seem to require high school diplomas nowadays, so it doesn’t matter if you are ultra-athletic and talented.
So yes, you’re absolutely right–when it comes to getting a job that pays an adequate salary/wage, a high school diploma isn’t going to cut it.
But in the U.S, generally speaking, the high school diploma is required to do the things (trade school, college, military) that lead to a good-paying job.
There are always exceptions–those people who drop out of high school, invent a widgit or a flamdoodle, and make bazillions on the sales. or start a garage band and end up making millions on Top 20 hits–but these exceptions are so rare.
In our city, 50% of African American young men (under age 18) drop out of high school. This is one reason why the unemployment rate among African Americans in our city is so very very high. All the Christian love in the world can’t make up for that lack of a basic high school education and the diploma that is required for many of the pursuits I mentioned above. And it’s really tough to get the secular realm to pass public policy laws that hand out freebies (housing, transportation, high aid payments, etc.) to strong, able-bodied, mentally-normal young men.
One of the programs that our city has developed in the last 20 years is the “alternative high school.” This school gives people who have dropped out a second chance, and it also admits young people for whom traditional schools, Christian schools, and home schools aren’t working. There is on site CHILD CARE for young women (and men, too, sometimes). Every student is given all kinds of intervention–food, transportation, and lots of individualized help in each class. There is also a clinic on campus. AND the school is located in the section of town where the majority of the poor live–just makes so much sense!
This school has been a second chance for so many young men and women, and the teachers and other staff who work there are amazing people!