Homeowners and neighborhoods under Biden

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What I’m saying is there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Minority families can be good people and want the best for their children just like everyone else.
“The poor” = “crime infected” to your mind? How do you interpret Matthew 25 and Our Lord’s stern warnings for those who neglect the poor?
I don’t live in an “inner city” - but there are people on government assistance in my building. We are a mixed income community. I make 6 figures. It doesn’t bother me. There have been attempted break ins to our underground parkade - we just evaluate and upgrade the security measures each time.
I don’t understand. How does moving poor people into wealthy neighborhoods help them get out of poverty?
It doesn’t They are still wards of the state and will remain so as long as they do not have to do anything to better themselves and their station in life. Equal opportunities, not equal outcomes.
Say goodbye to your peaceful lifestyle and safe schools.
I just explained it hasn’t made a dent on my old neighborhood. If anything it’s improved the maintenance of rental properties. I still own a non-rental house there and pay property tax ; in the last 5 years several schools have been refurbished and look great.

It seems like you’re not interested in people’s actual experiences and just want to keep telling your scare stories. Oh well.

MarthaSo, when you go buy, try to read reviews and reports online from people who actually live in the neighborhood you’re looking at. That will be more productive than the opinions on here.

Muting this thread now because if I wanted to consume this kind of content, I’d rather just watch old Archie Bunker episodes. At least he was funny.
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I don’t live in an “inner city” - but there are people on government assistance in my building. We are a mixed income community. I make 6 figures. It doesn’t bother me. There have been attempted break ins to our underground parkade - we just evaluate and upgrade the security measures each time.
Well good, if that is what you want to put up with. I don’t, and I am not any less a follower of Christ than you are by not wanting to live in such a situation. My main focus is the safety of my family and a decent place to live. People should not be forced by the government to accept things and situations that they do not want to accept.
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People should not be forced by the government to accept things and situations that they do not want to accept.
That’s the nature of government, dude. Are you advocating full on anarchism?
How does moving poor people into wealthy neighborhoods help them get out of poverty?
It’s mainly the access to better schools and environments low in crime and general socialization. They’ll get to grow up with kids their age who have nice and bright outlooks on life, and go to a well-funded school where the teachers are generally more patient and paid. Good school and living environment is a massive boost to their ability to live well and escape poverty.
Which is a stereotype.
No, I’ve seen the difference between people who do not want to work and those who do. People need to give up the government stipend and do for themselves. I have met many minorities who have used the same opportunities afforded to me - first in military service and then in my profession as a professional truck driver. People who have refused to sit on their butts waiting for a Federal check, but have instead gone out and made the most of what living in this nation has to offer and made successes of themselves. i guarantee you, these folks do not want to live in a neighborhood inhabited by people on the government dole.
I am an advocate of full on liberty, where each of us chooses where to live and who we want to live around. The government forcing things down our throats is anarchism, government anarchism. Again, would a Joe Biden, or a Bill Mahar, or any of these Upper West Side liberals or an AOC want these people in their neighborhood? Not on your life.
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But in the meantime they’ll get even poorer by trying to keep up with the rich neighbors.
I read that he’s going to allow more renter vouchers and stop redlining.
First, the Obama policy at issue regarding affirmatively furthering fair housing centered on data collection and reporting on barriers to fair housing. Fair housing is associated with discriminatory practices and barriers to housing. Trump discontinued this policy for HUD funding recipients. It doesn’t have anything to do with vouchers. (Although affordable housing may indeed be a barrier to fair housing).

Many communities are also concerned about affordable housing, for example in places like Silicon Valley where teachers and firemen and police cannot make their homes anywhere near the places they work. Affordable housing is important in helping people of color become homeowners. Affordable housing also does have housing assistance components for renters.

Affordable housing is a real issue. Fair housing is a real issue. But they aren’t the same issue.

Red lining has been illegal since the Fair Housing Act, 1968.
Is what I’ve read an indication that in the middle class or wealthier suburbs across America there’s going to be renters with vouchers and no community is exempt from these laws?
First, no.

Second: Why would this scare you?
What is a voucher?
It’s one way that low income people receive housing assistance.

I’d encourage you to read the book The Color of Law to understand the history of housing in the US.

Regarding affordable housing, this encompasses assistance for the working poor, the elderly, and the disabled.

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I am an advocate of full on liberty, where each of us chooses where to live and who we want to live around. The government forcing things down our throats is anarchism, government anarchism. Again, would a Joe Biden, or a Bill Mahar, or any of these Upper West Side liberals or an AOC want these people in their neighborhood? Not on your life.
Libertarianism, anarchism. Call it what you like. Such positions are not reconciliable with Catholic teaching.
As long as you’re doing something for the poor according to your conscience - whether that’s donations, volunteering or otherwise - then yes I can’t say you’re a poorer follower of Christ for not wanting poor people in your neighbourhood. That’s between you and God. And I certainly have many of my own sins and struggles.
Is that just speculation, or do you have evidence of that?
It might be a good idea to remember the number of Saints who were raised in poverty.
Libertarianism, anarchism. Call it what you like. Such positions are not reconciliable with Catholic teaching.
Catholic teaching is not based on force, nor where people decide to live and who with. If a homeless man in the dead of winter needs a coat I am obliged to give him one, mine if need be - that is Catholic teaching. If a person is hungry and asks me for food I am obliged to feed him or her - that is Catholic teaching. No where in Catholic teaching is there a requirement for me to live amongst people whom I do not want to live with - it simply is not there.
After reading Biden’s plan (which doesn’t seem to be his plan at all but just a compilation of other plans from other politicians) from his website, I am left with the feeling that it’s just the same talking points that the Democratic Party has been putting forward since the Johnson administration. Those plans haven’t done much of anything to bring “people of color” out of poverty (how condescending is that??), or anyone else for that matter.

It sounds like the plan is to throw money at poor people in hopes they will use it to get out of poverty. How is the track record on that? Anyway, it just sounds like more of the same, same old (Democratic) boss different day.

As far as giving poor people enough in vouchers for them to move out of poor neighborhoods…good luck with that.
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