Homeschooling in 2020

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What do you mean by your last sentence?
So 34 states have the rule where a student can option out of any sexual education program. Where all students are enrolled in a program that contains sex ed, the parent needs to option them out if they don’t want them in the program

4 states have it where the parent has to option them in, where the student cannot be enrolled in a class containing sexual education without parent consent 1st.

2 states have an “either/or” policy for the district to decide how they want to handle it.

10 don’t have a policy as described above, but lay out their own rules (for example a hybrid opt out, where they may 2 attempts home for the parent to opt a student out. If no communication is received, the student is enrolled)

Also, as stated up above, in most cases it isn’t a “sex ed” class but a portion of a mandatory health class where the parent can opt their child out of the specific portion.
No, however I think a child needs a combination of the two. As I understand it, unschooling bascially allows the child to meander through topics that interest them. I don’t think that’s a great long term strategy for them as the sole education method. Don’t get me wrong, I think each kid is individual and has their own interests that should be nurtured - I just strongly feel that a strong grounding in key subjects (Math, English, Sciences etc) is vital regardless of the child’s desire to study each.
I just finished reading a fascinating book called The Nordic Theory of Everything: In Search of a Better Life by Anu Partanen.

I don’t agree with a lot in the book by any means, but the discussion of education was really interesting. Apparently Finnish students rank at the very top of the world-wide achievement exams, along with Sweden and not surprisingly, Japan. As for the United States, we rank down near the bottom, below some of the poorest countries in the world. ☹️

So do Finnish kids start school at age 6 months, and stay in school until they are 21?!

Far from it. Finnish children do not begin formal schooling until they are SEVEN (7) years old! And they are finished when they are SIXTEEN (16) years old!

And NO HOMEWORK is given, as the Finns believe that the after-school hours should be devoted to play (outdoors, sports, family time, etc.)!!!

And as for pre-school–the only preschool activities are play, mainly outdoors. There are pre-schools in Finland where the children spend the entire day OUTDOORS, in all seasons!

You would think they would be last place on the tests, but no, they’re at the top! And here in the U.S., we start educating our kids from the day they’re born, but we’re still down at the bottom.

Maybe a better choice would to explain that abortion is undoubtly considered as a “right” in our country. But it is a difficult topic and a consensus in opinions does not really exists, and some people object it.
I work in a Catholic boys school. I would try to avoid the topic with younger students as I really think it’s something parents need to discuss with their kids. But I would certainly state the Church teaching on the matter if it came up in class. With older kids, who are nearly adults, I would challenge them a bit more and question why they think the right to be free of consequences is more important than a baby’s right to life.
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You are stronger than me.

If the topic had been raised during Catholic ministry meeting, I think it would have been a mistake to gently give Church’s position. I would avoid at all cost in class, unless someone ask for it directly or why there are people who are against abortion.

And I don’t think that even in a catholic school we are allowed to give any Church’s position during a class hour on a topic such as abortion. Some teacher or schools have been in trouble.
I think that the fact our legislation is aold and had been reinforced recently and yours more recently play a role.

I understand now why you said previousely that it is increasingly difficult for a man of faith to be a teacher! You are not afraid.
Thanks. In Ireland we are not so bad yet. I’m not sure I would have been so strong before but after the Abortion referendum here in 2018, I just decided I wasn’t gong to sugar coat it in the future. If people want to support abortion, they should be forced to face the facts about it.
Good that the true and babies’s life matter more for you!

Because I think for the average people, this new law would have the opposite side effect.
When someone become legal it quickly become seen as “moral” or an “non-issue”, or something we can’t openly opposed.
I have seen that with legalization of same sex marriage, here.
Because I think for the average people, this new law would have the opposite side effect.
When someone become legal it quickly become seen as “moral” or an “non-issue”, or something we can’t openly opposed.
I have seen that with legalization of same sex marriage, here.
Yeah, that’s happening here too, many people think like that. (Legal=Moral)

We have to stop that from happening and keep debating it.
I have difficulties to go outsidfe my confort zone, go publically and speak out, but I agree!

Definitely I find it easier to manifest as an anonymous person than to be involved myself directly!
I’m also a Religious Education and Catechesis teacher and many of the kids will get zero formation from anywhere other than me. So I feel I have to try to make them think and provide them with some information about the faith.
I agree. thanks to you @AdamP88.

My experience is somewhat similar. i volunteer on the “pastorale” for the school I worked in. The high school students that come were not necessary Catholics and of course no other moral or religious formation. But we should have been careful about what we said. And to be honest I was fearful to appears too zealous or hurt with dissenting opinions!

In the Catholics schools that we visited for our children, around half of the students are from muslin culture. Catholicism is in a bad state.
I don’t homeschool, unless you count summer school and, well, right now. However, I do have a kid who has attention issues at school. I’ve found that she is thriving, at least academically, at home. She doesn’t have to wait for all the other kids to have a turn. She can spend as long as she wants on one objective until she is satisfied, and breeze through one she finds easy and un-engaging. Lots of times, ADHD kids do thrive on one-on-one instruction. As far as the seven kids scenario, unless you decided to homeschool halfway through the game, you aren’t going to get those seven kids homeschooling all at once. As kids get older, they are able to be more independent with their school work. You may only have to sit alongside a kindergartener for an entire reading assignments, but with a 2nd grader, you might only have to set them up and check in with them at the end of the assignment. With an older elementary kid, you may only have to check in with them a couple times a day and with a high schooler, only every few days. I don’t have experience with home school curricula, but as a teacher, I have found pros and cons to them. Obviously, purchasing one will provide you with a fairly well-rounded amount of materials that is compiled for progression through the objectives, however, every curriculum has its shortcomings as well. I don’t know much about unschooling. Based on your article, I don’t think I have it in me. Your last question is the easiest. Tell them you have decided what is best for your family and your don’t wish to speak about it anymore. If necessary, tell them as you are leaving.
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