NFP is still a form of contraception. The intention for using it is the same as for using condoms or BCP or any other form of contraceptives.Huh? Who’s using contraceptives?
I suppose that if one was raised with the belief that God loves us all, then what you’re saying above applies.It’s a privilege to live given to us by God.
People protect this privilege. That’s the most fundamental inclination of the Natural law.
Our life is our ‘talent’, we are supposed to use it, and bring some ‘return on investment’ with us when we come back to God after our life here on Earth.
I hope you know the parable from Mathew 25.
It appears strange that you even argue this point. Does it mean that a life has no value to you?
Think about the consequences of what you are saying!
But in a worldview according to which God doesn’t exist or is choosy about whom he loves, what you’re saying above doesn’t apply.
Many, if not most people, were taught that God doesn’t exist, or were taught, directly or by implication, that God is choosy about whom he loves. So this is a perspective one is likely to encounter.
And even the staunchest atheist, if she is being consistent, has to admit that living life simply for the purposes of eating, sleeping, sex, fighting with others, altruism, enjoying art, and such, is ultimately doomed to failure and disappointment, as death of the body nullifies all those efforts.