Eichelbaum, Jjr9 expresses his point well here.
The Church has, unnecessarily, reinforced the world’s doctrine that those who call themselves gays or whom others call gays are a separate caste.
What you have omitted are several points.
For one I want to ask Catholic1seeks what models he has seen around him of Catholics manifesting regeneration, the indwelling Jesus and Holy Spirit power for living
and able to warmly explain their experience of those things at length to him.
Next I read something devastating that went like this (I’ll not give you the URL for it):
(In addition I would make a point they don’t make which is that spiritual communion - sitting out - isn’t inferior and isn’t advertised enough)
- There are many people who don’t receive communion for years because they are in an irregular marriage situation. It shouldn’t be this way, rather, the other way around. They should be abstaining from sex, not the Eucharist. Sex is a temporal thing. Considering the eternal reward for doing so and the eternal consequences for not doing so, forgoing sex for a time in order to live a life that is pleasing to God and to help someone you love to do the same is a very small sacrifice.
- Thank you …], for stating this. This is the way it is. Annulments are presumed in very many, perhaps even most cases, to be a “sure thing”. Get the civil divorce and we can pretty much guarantee you that declaration of nullity. How is it that this can be presumed so readily?
Because though it is difficult to manufacture a false declaration of nullity concerning defect of form, it really has become a bit of a piece of cake, as the saying goes, in so many diocesan tribunals, to tinker and fiddle with and manufacture a declaration of nullity concerning defect of consent.
How many souls, can you imagine, are being lead along the path to hell, who have been involved in this type of wicked modernism and manipulation? The clergy, the tribunal officials, members of the family involved and their friends (witnesses) etc.,
The situation as it is, right now in the Church, is crippling and deforming very, very many souls. Not the least of whom are the children who learn all of this pandering and destruction from their elders.
Thanks …], and …]. I urge you to keep at this topic, as it is an extreme scandal in the Church today, and appears to be on its way to becoming even yet more severe. The culture of divorce is a big contributor to the culture of death.
The point being that
sex addiction cloaked in “good marriage” and “bad marriage” alike sends a deadly mixed message to the single. The JP II Army seems to have sparked people off flaunting this
addiction. Everyone (except the dull) wants a piece of the “action”!