Honey Bee crisis

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40-60% of U.S. Honey Bees have died from a mite blite. I do not think that I have to tell you the implications of this.

A Catholic seer said that we will thirst and starve because of the Terri case. They may be right.

Jason Weishaupt
Jason Weishaupt said:
40-60% of U.S. Honey Bees have died from a mite blite. I do not think that I have to tell you the implications of this.

A Catholic seer said that we will thirst and starve because of the Terri case. They may be right.

Jason Weishaupt

I guess you’ll have to tell me, as I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.
Jason Weishaupt said:
40-60% of U.S. Honey Bees have died from a mite blite. I do not think that I have to tell you the implications of this.

A Catholic seer said that we will thirst and starve because of the Terri case. They may be right.

Jason Weishaupt

Yes, please tell us which “seer”.

Has this message been approved?

This is a big problem. Following messages from “seers”.

God will not punish millions of people who had nothing to do with the actions of a few that do not follow His Teachings.
Yes…which Seer?

And I reject the notion that people who do all they can do for someone especially thru prayer, to be the targeted ones in divine chastisement, while those who did nothing or worked against Terri to not suffer at all…I reject that notion outright.
Jason Weishaupt said:
40-60% of U.S. Honey Bees have died from a mite blite. I do not think that I have to tell you the implications of this.

A Catholic seer said that we will thirst and starve because of the Terri case. They may be right.

Sounds like a private interpretation of something he read.

I have a feeling I may have heard of the seer (or mystic) he may be refering to, but I cannot remember her name. That mystic just died not too long ago.

Nevertheless, it is a disturbing development. I would have no problem if yellowjacket or hornet populations were reduced a bit, but fewer honeybees is bad. They’re actually useful.
Sounds like a private interpretation of something he read.

I have a feeling I may have heard of the seer (or mystic) he may be refering to, but I cannot remember her name. That mystic just died not too long ago.

If it is the one I think you are refering to she is approved.She was told about the Tsunami.But in these cases it is very important that the mystic is approved or at least not condemned.God Bless
If it is the one I think you are refering to she is approved.She was told about the Tsunami.But in these cases it is very important that the mystic is approved or at least not condemned.God Bless
Is it Maria Esperanza? Is that who we’re talking about?
If it is the one I think you are refering to she is approved.She was told about the Tsunami.But in these cases it is very important that the mystic is approved or at least not condemned.God Bless
“Seers” are never approved. Only their messages after they have been given.

Now a “Seer” who has given a message that has found approval does not mean that all subsequent messages are approved.
The mite problem has been an ongoing problem for at least 15 years, and has gradually been getting worse. Suggesting there is a connection to Terri is just silly.

I notice the price of gas has been going up quite a bit, there must be a connection there.:rolleyes:
notice the price of gas has been going up quite a bit, there must be a connection there
In the last few years rising gas prices always bloom in the springtime just like flowers. And here I was told we were fighting a war for oil. :hmmm:

No air-conditioning in the house for me this summer. I’ll use fans instead and put the electrical savings into the car’s gas tank. :clapping:

Honey Bee crisis, oh my! The sky is falling! Hey, does anyone remember Y2K? :whacky:
If you think that God only smites the guilty then you are sadly mistaken. Just look at what The Bible says about war. The Bible says that “war is a punishment for man’s sins”. Ok, and how many children died in Nazi consentration camps? You need to read The Bible more often. You might learn something.

About honey bees. I guess you were sleeping in Biology class. Last time I checked honey bees “pollenate” plants. If a plant is not pollinated it will not reproduce or bare fruit. Some plants such as corn are self pollinating. But even corn need some wind to accomplish this. Honey bees do almost all of the pollenating in the U.S. No bees means no pollination which means no fruit or vegetables. So you better like eating corn.

The seer is the controversial Veronica Lueken.


Now back to the bees. The mite blite is world wide. The mites have become drug resistant and attempts to breed mite resistant bees has failed.


Jason Weishaupt
The mite problem has been an ongoing problem for at least 15 years, and has gradually been getting worse. Suggesting there is a connection to Terri is just silly.
Think it was just a coincidence that Sennacherib’s army died of the bubonic plague before they could invade Samaria? Many historians say that’s what they died from. I don’t think it just appeared on the scene. They probably would’ve had to have contracted it beforehand.

I’m not saying there is or isn’t a connection with Terri Schiavo, but you are thinking in human time, but time is created by God and serves God. God knew what would’ve happened in 2005 in 1277 A.D. God knew in 1277 B.C.

Mite problem for at least 15 years? How long has Terri been in her current state? If we have a food crisis this year, it will be hard to suggest that there is no connection.
Think it was just a coincidence that Sennacherib’s army died of the bubonic plague before they could invade Samaria? Many historians say that’s what they died from. I don’t think it just appeared on the scene. They probably would’ve had to have contracted it beforehand.

I’m not saying there is or isn’t a connection with Terri Schiavo, but you are thinking in human time, but time is created by God and serves God. God knew what would’ve happened in 2005 in 1277 A.D. God knew in 1277 B.C.

Mite problem for at least 15 years? How long has Terri been in her current state? If we have a food crisis this year, it will be hard to suggest that there is no connection.
This is ancient news – I raise bees, and tracheal and varella mites have been around for a long time. We medicate twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall, changing medication to keep the mites from developing resistance to the medication.

There are some people in Arkansas who raise bees in a big way – and make their money by trucking the bees to California and renting them to farmers. They don’t even care about the honey – it costs more to harvest it than it’s worth.
GIVE ME THE HONEY! I eat that stuff by the spoonfull!

Jason Weishaupt
Jason Weishaupt:
GIVE ME THE HONEY! I eat that stuff by the spoonfull!

Jason Weishaupt
Do you live in or near Arkansas? I’ll jug some up for you this fall when we harvest.
Jason Weishaupt said:
40-60% of U.S. Honey Bees have died from a mite blite. I do not think that I have to tell you the implications of this.

A Catholic seer said that we will thirst and starve because of the Terri case. They may be right.

Jason Weishaupt

You know, a few years back I commented to my Grandmother how I didn’t see as many honeybees as I did when I was younger (When I would always end up stepping on them in my bare feet >.<). It’s sad and you don’t really miss something until it’s gone.

It’s a good idea not to just to conclusions though. Every Tom, DIck and Harry out there has their own interpritation of the end of the world and here we are…still alive. Take it in stride, live happy today and don’t worry about tommorow. Didn’t the Bible say something to that effect?
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