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I can’t prove anything; I don’t have the strength to prove that I love God. I just am too weak. I can’t handle it. Why won’t God understand that???
Yes! 👍 We are weak. All of us are weak. We need to turn to God for strength. Everything you have, though you will say it is little at this time, comes from God. God does understand! He knows everything about you!
What does he want? He won’t tell me!!!
We have all prayed for this to be answered. For something specific. It’s funny how we never get that answer. People talk about their purpose in life, what they are put on earth to do, specifics. I think we are here to live life for the praise of God. Whatever we choose to do we do it for God. We do have our specific talents and we should use them. But our primary purpose is to do everything for God.
God has taken away too much already. What does he want from me??
Your love. ❤️
Why won’t God just mark an “F” on this test since I obviously cannot handle it?
Because God is the ultimate teacher. He will NEVER give up on you.😉
Prayed for a job: HUNDREDS OF TIMES. No.
Prayed for “what do you want from me” No.
Prayed for money. No.
So what do you do all day? Your not on the forums.
Obviously what I want is evil.
Obviously I am so worthless that God doesn’t want to help me.
That’s a big jump! You only want evil things? You’re just frustrated.

God doesn’t want to help you? God speaks to us in many ways. Through scripture, a sign along the road, a conversation with a friend. You are the one writing for help on these forums. This is the second thread you are in talking about the same thing. We are the ones giving you answers. Do think it’s possible that we are suppose to be writing to you? Everything happens for a reason. Listen to these posters, reread it, those things that stick out is God talking to you. Just like in a homily or a conversation. God has been talking to you. Move out of yourself and listen. 😃

That’s my :twocents:
Dear Third_Servant:

My husbands position was eliminated 3 years ago when his field took a hit with the after effects of 911 and the enron scandal. His expertise is in retirement benefits, profit sharing and investments. He is a licensed attorney with an undergraduate degree in journalism. The top draw of our file cabinet is full of jobs that he has applied for across the U.S. In addition, he also networks at every opportunity.

I have a degree in nursing and went back to work after 17 years of being a stay at home mom.During this time we have had one crisis after another starting with my son being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Yes, I understand your pain. I share your pain. I cry your tears. There came a point in time when I realized,or maybe it was forced on me out of sheer exhaustion from the constant worry and tension, that I had to change my mindset from “GOD helps those who help themselves” to placing my total trust and reliance in GOD. My experience through all of this is that we really never know how much we can rest assured of our professed faith UNTIL we’re put to the test. You and my family and countless others are the forerunners, I believe, of this great test for America.

So let us all storm heaven in intercession for all our brothers and sisters who are struggling to do the right thing in the midst of adversity. Let us pray that the holy spirit inspire those who are in positions of decision making, to reach out and offer a chance to those in need of an opportunity to utilize the gifts GOD has graced them with so that together we may give all the glory and honor and praise to our father in heaven. Amen,Amen and AMEN
Please keep posting third servant!
God our Father,

Strengthen our brother Third_Servant in hope, faith, and charity. Help him to find gainful and meaningful employment soon. Grant him peace of mind, and the grace and wisdom to grow in spirit from this time of trial and suffering he is now enduring. Grant him the grace to trust You without reservation.

We ask this our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saint Mary, pray for us.
Saint Jude, pray for us.
Saint Peter, pray for us.
Yes! 👍 We are weak. All of us are weak. We need to turn to God for strength. Everything you have, though you will say it is little at this time, comes from God.
And when God says “NO” where do I turn for strength?
God does understand!
If he understood, I wouldn’t be suffering like this. I think he doesn’t understand.
So what do you do all day? Your not on the forums.
Various things, mainly feeling worthless.
That’s a big jump! You only want evil things? You’re just frustrated.
I don’t want evil things. But looks like God thinks I want evil things since he said “NO” to them.
God doesn’t want to help you?
He doesn’t want to help me TEMPORALLY. Spiritually, he helps - through salvation by Jesus Christ.
You are the one writing for help on these forums. This is the second thread you are in talking about the same thing. We are the ones giving you answers. Do think it’s possible that we are suppose to be writing to you? Everything happens for a reason.
That’s why I post. Maybe someone else on this forum has a closer relationship to God and can tap him on the shoulder and ask for help for me. He obviously doesn’t want to listen to me. I’m too worthless for him to say “yes” to.
Move out of yourself and listen. 😃
Unfortunately, I am alone in carrying my cross.
So let us all storm heaven in intercession for all our brothers and sisters who are struggling to do the right thing in the midst of adversity. Let us pray that the holy spirit inspire those who are in positions of decision making, to reach out and offer a chance to those in need of an opportunity to utilize the gifts GOD has graced them with so that together we may give all the glory and honor and praise to our father in heaven. Amen,Amen and AMEN
Please keep posting third servant!
Thanks, your prayers are appreciated.

Pentecost2005 http://forum.catholic.com/images/statusicon_cad/user_offline.gif : You too. Your prayers are appreciated.

Also, anyone else: your prayers are appreciated. My prayers may be worthless, because I am worthless, but that doesn’t mean someone else can’t help me by praying for me.
Dear Third Servant,

I pray hope will be restored to you soon. It sounds like you are being tested and are in the “dark night of the soul”. Please hang in there for The Lord’s sake.

When I feel depressed and that all hope has vanished, I try to remember I do not belong to myself, but to the One who made me. I don’t understand the reasons why I feel so alone and hopeless. I see how worthless I am and then something inside says, “But I still love you.”

Do you have a picture of Jesus you can meditate on? I use the holographic Shrowd picture. It helps me to think about God and to talk to Him, even when I can’t see Him.

I will be praying for you. You are loved by more then God. You are loved here in this forum, and my heart reaches toward yours.

I pray hope will be restored to you soon. It sounds like you are being tested and are in the “dark night of the soul”. Please hang in there for The Lord’s sake.
I am tested. I wish God would just put an “F” on my report card and move on already. I can’t handle it!
I see how worthless I am and then something inside says, “But I still love you.”
I don’t hear that.

I hear nothing.
I will be praying for you.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
You are loved by more then God.
Sometimes I wonder how much if he’s willing to make me suffer like this.
I am tested. I wish God would just put an “F” on my report card and move on already. I can’t handle it!

I don’t hear that.

I hear nothing.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

Sometimes I wonder how much if he’s willing to make me suffer like this.
Dear Third Servant,

I think God loves you very, very, very much.

When I read your words all I could think of was Jesus and how abandoned He must have felt in Gethsemonie, in the scurging, carrying His cross and while He was suffering on the cross.

Your feelings of worthlessness mean to me, that you have a worth priceless to God and that the devil wants to discourage you.

Dear Third Servant,

I think God loves you very, very, very much.
Yes, in a spiritual, or eternal way only.

In terms of temporal needs, he doesn’t love me there.
When I read your words all I could think of was Jesus and how abandoned He must have felt in Gethsemonie, in the scurging, carrying His cross and while He was suffering on the cross.
Christ’s sufferings mean a lot because HE CHOSE TO DO SO. My sufferings are imposed on me without any choice from me. Some free will.
Your feelings of worthlessness mean to me, that you have a worth priceless to God and that the devil wants to discourage you.
And God won’t help me get rid of the devil from my life so he won’t discourage me anymore.
I suggest reading St John of the Cross’ writings. May you find some answer and comfort in his books. You can argue with him, if you like.😃

Yes, in a spiritual, or eternal way only.
In terms of temporal needs, he doesn’t love me there.
Christ’s sufferings mean a lot because HE CHOSE TO DO SO. My sufferings are imposed on me without any choice from me. Some free will.
And God won’t help me get rid of the devil from my life so he won’t discourage me anymore.
Dear Third Servant,

St. Paul had a thorn in his side and when he prayed that it be removed, he was told God’s grace was sufficient. He didn’t want the suffering either. He later was able to say he had fought the good fight. I pray for your strength in doing so also.

We don’t always know why. God knows and sometimes He just doesn’t tell.

Have you tried to get medical help for depression? Maybe there is some relief for you there.

I prayed for you at Mass today and will continue to keep you in my heart and prayers.


Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

What happens to you is not a guarantee to me.

Why God allows such suffering without helping is beyond my ability to grasp.
You know, you are really starting to sound like me!!! I use to say the same things! Every one of them! I even threw in a few more for good measure. I deal with an abusive person-my son’s father. I used to scream at God-“I realize that I’ve screwed up-obviously you’re punishing me and then squashing me some more so I am a dead cockroach, but what the hell did my son do. It’s not his fault. So just kill us both!” Yep, I told God to kill my son and me. I used to sit and think when I heard stories of how God freed people from this addiction, or that depression, or whatever their situation was that it didn’t mean that God would help ME. Well, God sure showed me! He did and He will. Past performance does guarentee future performance when it comes to God. I have learned that God is faithful. You will too. He does not remove every burden. Yes, that abusive person is still in my life. But by God’s grace and mercy, I’ve learned a few things about myself and also how to handle the abuse. (Not letting it bother me is a great way to handle it:D Ticked him off, too at first):rotfl: What I wanted was for God to punish him to make him “wake up” to what he was doing. That’s not what I got. God can be such a pain in the butt sometimes, can’t He? I don’t know what God will do in your situation, but I know He will do something and I know He will do it soon. Don’t let your feelings determine who you are, either. You are NOT worthless. Never have been, never will be. Trust me, I’ve felt that too. I HAVE BEEN WHERE YOU ARE. Now I know another reason why I was there, feeling the feelings you feel- to help you. To tell you that you can make it and that God does love you in your day to day as well as eternal life!
Pet, i know things can look grim, oh i know so well. But dont think noone cares about u coz u know what… i now care about u! Why do i care? Coz ur like me, u ask the same questions. “The world will make you suffer, be brave for i have conquered the world” (John 13 …i think :|…maybe its 23).

I would give u a HUGE hug right now…only i live in Australia so thats not much help, but look, u have someone who lives in another country who cares about u now. I know how it feels, like everything u want is just out of reach, as though everything u love is worthless…as though u mean nothing. I know u wont believe me but i care about u, so much. If i could take your pain i would, i would leave you happy and self contained and just so full of love. This might not mean anything to u, but please, i really do mean it, if u wanna talk just email/pm (somehow, havent worked that out yet).

Take care! Love you!! :D!
Have you tried to get medical help for depression? Maybe there is some relief for you there.
No job. No insurance. Not possible.
I prayed for you at Mass today and will continue to keep you in my heart and prayers.
Thanks. I appreciate it.
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