Hormonal contraception and rape

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Would it technically be ok to use hormonal contraception, not in order to have consequences-free sex, but to avoid getting pregnant in case of rape?
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Sorry, I meant "contraception ". I carelessly anglicised a word from my native language.
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If you take the strict definition of contraception as preventing conception, then it is indeed licit to take contraception. This is to prevent conception. The victim is not required to be open to life when it comes to rape.

Now if conception were to happen, then it is already too late, and the newly conceived person now has a right to life. He or she doesn’t deserve to be punished for the sins of their father.

I don’t know if there are drugs that can prevent conception but will not harm a zygote. Maybe someone more knowledgeable than I would know.
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I don’t know if there are drugs that can prevent conception but will not harm a zygote. Maybe someone more knowledgeable would know.
The birth control pill stops ovulation. No ovulation means there is no egg around for sperm to fertilize, so no zygote gets created.
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That’s true. However it isn’t perfect and ovulation can occur.

However there is a backup. The uterine lining is so thin that the fertilized egg cannot implant causing a miscarriage in the very early stage.
The Church has no clear teaching on this. Moral theologians come down on both sides of the argument.

Self defense is one argument, and the principle of double effect is in play also. Strictly interpreted, everything the Church has to say about contraception is within the context of conjugal relations. These are all arguments in favor of such pro-active measures.

However, this is neither practical nor desirable as a married person. Also hormonal pills can have major health implications for some women. And, it is a rather disproportionate response to a statistically tiny, tiny chance of sexual assault.
And, it is a rather disproportionate response to a statistically tiny, tiny chance of sexual assault
I think they’re referring to contraception taken immediately after rape at a clinic. If im not wrong, this was the scenario Pope Francis (?) talked about. Not sure if it’s someone else.
I think they’re referring to contraception taken immediately after rape at a clinic. If im not wrong, this was the scenario Pope Francis (?) talked about. Not sure if it’s someone else.
It was the US bishops (other bishops may say the same, not sure):
A female who has been raped should be able to defend herself against a potential conception from the sexual assault. If, after appropriate testing, there is no evidence that conception has occurred already, she may be treated with medications that would prevent ovulation, sperm capacitation, or fertilization. It is not permissible, however, to initiate or to recommend treatments that have as their purpose or direct effect the removal, destruction, or interference with the implantation of a fertilized ovum.19
My understanding is this does not fall under the Church’s definitive judgment against contraception, expressed below (from Pius XI’s Casti Connubii, but repeated elsewhere):
Since, therefore, the conjugal act is destined primarily by nature for the begetting of children, those who in exercising it deliberately frustrate its natural power and purpose sin against nature and commit a deed which is shameful and intrinsically vicious.
My understanding is that someone in the midst of or after an assault who interrupts the coitus, expels or kills the sperm, or withholds the ova is not exercising the conjugal act nor intending to do so while frustrating its purpose. Her intention is to frustrate an act carried out on her against her will.

Again, in such a case we have someone repelling or holding themselves back from an unjust aggressor, not someone willfully abusing the conjugal act.

(this post is not intended to specifically answer the OPs question, but just look at the general principles).
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This is not totally accurate. It has not been scientifically proven that hormonal birth control interfers with implantation. It is still somewhat of a scientific controversy, but the evidence points towards no interfering with implantation.
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So, let me understand what you are saying. You are saying a woman regularly takes birth control pills just for on the event that she possibly could get raped.

I think if a woman did this, she should seek professional counseling if the slim possibility of getting raped consumes her thoughts so much that she would put herself on regular birth control. Or she needs to change her situation (if she really lives in such a dangerous neighborhood that women are getting raped on the street daily, then she needs to move, have a safe person walk her home, or what have you).

This is really a strange hypothetical argument.
Nor has it made the exemption, that I know of.
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Since the church ruled that abortions are prohibited (to my understanding), period, the default position includes all circumstances. And exception would have to be cited. An absence of it is not an invitation for us to formulate our own exeptions, no matter how reasonable and just they may seem.
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Wrong and wrong. Really what population of women get raped now…sources needed
And then place child for adoption of rape if you feel you need to. Every child from conception is a child of God

Do not sell embryos or other non catholic practices.very bad
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Really what population of women get raped now…sources needed
Why is that relevant? It still happens and needs to be considered.
And then place child for adoption if rape if you feel you need to.
Surely you understand that pregnancy from rape is not something as happy-go-lucky as you appear to, right?
Do not sell embryos or other non catholic practices.
Don’t know what this means.
A baby is a child of God. The op wants to take hormonal contraception in case of rape.

Well here there are not many rapes that result in contraception.

I would like % where she lives .

Any contraception is wrong imho. And selling a fertilized egg is wrong
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A baby is a child of God. The op wants to take hormonal contraception in case of rape.
Contraception is taken to prevent the life from existing in the first place, not to kill a living being. Sex does not immediately result in conception.
Any contraception is wrong imho.
While wrong in most cases, the Church makes allowances for cases of rape.
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