Usually you have to agree to non resuscitation when you enter a hospice
Yes, in fact I have. I am a hospice volunteer, work in a skilled nursing facility, give talks about end of life care and decision making and have done home hospice for 3 granparents and a parent.
Feeding tubes and IV fluids are often contraindicated for end of life and are considered “extraordinary” means. The Church does not required this, and it is often not comfortable for the patient.
https://www.ncbcenter.org/resources/information-topic/end-life-care/revision-directive-58/Whenever a recommendation is made to withhold food and water, one should ask, “What will be the cause of death?” If the answer is dehydration or starvation, and assisted nutrition and hydration can be easily supplied and assimilated, then not supplying them is a form of euthanasia. Unconsciousness is not a fatal disease. No one dies from unconsciousness.
This needs to be repeated. I think a lot of people missed it.I’m not sure why this was flagged. It’s correct. The Church does not require us to needlessly prolong life, especially if it will cause greater suffering to the dying person. While nutrition and hydration are ordinary means of care, they become extraordinary and thus morally optional when the means of delivery become excessively burdensome or provide no real benefit. Attempting to feed and hydrate someone whose body is incapable of receiving nutrition and hydration is unnecessary.