Hostage to the Devil

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There is nothing “schismatic” about the Campos Profession of Faith, in fact it professes communion with the Holy See, the exact opposite of schism.
You cannot profess communion with the Holy See, and at the same time say that a Mass promulgated by her is illicit and non-binding.

Its the exact same double-talk that Modernists and other “liberal” dissenters give regarding their Catholicism.

As for Fr. Hardon’s supposed endorsement, I can’t say anything about it, since I haven’t seen any hard documentation, much less a context for his statement. I can only assume that there’s either some serious qualification that Fr. Hardon had for his endorsement, or he did not know of Martin’s ecclesiastical leanings.

One thing’s for sure; the difference between orthodox, obedient Fr. Hardon and Malachi Martin is that between night and day!
I would like to know the REAL definition of a schismatic?
If the Milingo situation is not just hearsay (that he RE-joined the moonies) then this is EXACTLY the kind of situation that the LATE Father Malachi Martin always pointed to, regarding as Pope Paul VI said in 1974: “Through some crack, the smoke of satan has entered the church.” Though I DO believe as a fact that there ARE schismatic groups: such as the society of pius the V, which are vacanists, PLEASE: keep note that the Campos group WAS OFFICIALLY! Reconciled with Pope John Paul II, and is now officially approved by Rome. Please read the Letter of in which the GREAT Campos group places itself at the disposal of the Pope, and obedience to him in all as the “Vicar of Christ on Earth.”
As far as I know, Malachi martin NEVER seperated himself from the Pope. He was not a sedavacanist, and was obedient to the Holy See. I don’t believe this makes a person schismatic. He WOULD have been schismatic if he totally said this pope is not valid, etc. That he favored the Latin (Papal indult) Tridentine Mass, well, he had (as we all do) the RIGHT to if he wanted to. After all read Pope John Paul II’s 1988 instruction: “Motu Propio Ecclesia Dei”.
Blessings in VERITAS(truth).:dancing:
I would like to know the REAL definition of a schismatic?
According to the Catechism:
  1. Incredulity is the neglect of revealed truth or the willful refusal to assent to it. Heresy is the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith, or it is likewise an obstinate doubt concerning the same; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Roman Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him.
PLEASE: keep note that the Campos group WAS OFFICIALLY! Reconciled with Pope John Paul II, and is now officially approved by Rome. Please read the Letter of in which the GREAT Campos group places itself at the disposal of the Pope, and obedience to him in all as the “Vicar of Christ on Earth.”
Campos did return to the Catholic fold a couple of years ago. I made a point of mentioning this; I even linked to their website above! But the fact remains that they were at one point in schism, and their “Campos Profession” was a schismatic document, which Malachi Martin subscribed to.
As far as I know, Malachi martin NEVER seperated himself from the Pope. He was not a sedavacanist, and was obedient to the Holy See. I don’t believe this makes a person schismatic. He WOULD have been schismatic if he totally said this pope is not valid, etc.
That isn’t true. A person can give lip service to the doctrines of papal primacy and infallibility and still be a schismatic. Read the Church’s definition from the Catechism. Schism is not a denial of the pope’s authority; its a refusal to submit to it.
That he favored the Latin (Papal indult) Tridentine Mass, well, he had (as we all do) the RIGHT to if he wanted to. After all read Pope John Paul II’s 1988 instruction: “Motu Propio Ecclesia Dei”.
Its one thing to favor the Tridentine Mass and have an afinity for it (as I and many other orthodox Catholics do). Its another thing compeltely to deny its licity and to insist you have a right to hear it. This is where Martin crossed the line. He claimed the Missa Normativa to be illicit (though valid), and claimed that schismatic groups like the SSPX and the SSPV had a right to say the Tridentine Mass.

In this he was in error.

I’ve found it to be the case that while self-styled “traditionalists” (myself included) are very good about about pointing out the splinters in their brothers’ eyes, they’re sledom so keen about the logs in their own. This is exactly what happened to Martin and Milingo, and this is exactly why the Church is so selective about who she chooses to exorcise demons. I believe that exorcists, because of the good work they do, have a propensity to pride, beliving that they have an “inside scoop” on the works of God and the devil, and they tend to think themselves impervious to diabolical influence. In fact, I think this can be said about gifted Christians in general, especially those in authority. Which is why the saints warn us never to actively seek out spiritual gifts, except the gift of final perseverence. Spiritual consolations and other powers can often be obstacles to humility.

Wow, talk about a tangent . . .
I wonder if it may diabolical pride to malign someone, especially someone has passed on.

I sincerely doubt that a priest who resonded DIRECTLY to the Holy See such as FATHER Malachi, would “refuse” to submit to the Pope’s authority. This pope is great. But are ALL Popes right on every single detail?? What did Saint Robert Bellarmine, S.J., AND especially (both doctors of the church) Saint Catherine of Siena say regarding the same?
IF any priest refuses to OBEY in “deed” a pope, then rightly so he is a schismatic. However, I don’t believe that just because a priest PERSONALLY favors the Tridentine Latin Mass of the 1962 Missal, he is schismatic.
As for The Saint Pius the Xth Society: Yes, the founder disobeyed the pope regarding EPISCOPAL CONSECRATIONS, and hence commited a schismatic act. However, since at times God uses what seems to be a negative thing, and could turn it into something good, I believe that if NOT for the SSPX, we would NOT have the INDULT Tridentine Latin Mass of 1962:clapping: This kind of lead many to pastorally attend to traditional (obedient) catholics.
However, I don’t believe that just because a priest PERSONALLY favors the Tridentine Latin Mass of the 1962 Missal, he is schismatic.

With all respect, are you actually reading my entire posts? nd the documentation I’ve provided? Allow me to repeat myself, with added emphasis:

Its one thing to favor the Tridentine Mass and have an afinity for it (as I and many other orthodox Catholics do). **Its another thing compeltely to deny its licity and to insist you have a right to hear it. This is where Martin crossed the line. He claimed the Missa Normativa to be illicit (though valid), and claimed that schismatic groups like the SSPX and the SSPV had a right to say the Tridentine Mass. **

Martin was not schismatic for “favoring” the Traditional Mass. Read over my posts again, especially the information I linked to earlier.
However, since at times God uses what seems to be a negative thing, and could turn it into something good, I believe that if NOT for the SSPX, we would NOT have the INDULT Tridentine Latin Mass of 1962
I agree with you here. God does use heretics and schismatics to bring about good. We may very well have not had a Biblical canon of the heresy of Marcion had not forced the Church to speed up the process. 🙂
Joey, I myself just read the same book last month. Even though Fr. Martin’s reasons for his special dispensation are not known to the public I do believe he was a man of God and that the experiences of his life as an exorcist took their toll on him. Rmember, that he did aways believe in the One true Church and he never did walk completely away from it. God Bless you and may God have mercy on us. J.R.

P.S. I say alot more prayers to St. Michael. Check the history on that prayer it also might scare you.
How can we find the history of the prayer to St. Michael?
How can we find the history of the prayer to St. Michael?
Sorry it took so long to reply but here it is:St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of Battle; Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke Him, we humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into Hell, Satan and all the other evil spirits, who prowl through the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen

This powerful prayer of exorcism was composed by Pope Leo XIII; in a vision, he had been shown the fearful battle to be waged between Satan and St. Michael, over the Church of the future. Now, as never before, the Church needs the intercession of St. Michael! Please say this prayer every day.
Joey Storer:
Do you know how many “black masses” are being held in major US cities every day?

I heard a talk about that by Raymond de Souza in Chicago. There are a lot and growing. Lots of thefts of the Eucharist, he was at a mass where someone tried to steal the eucharist wafer. He spoke to the woman using his knowledge of their language to confirm indeed that was what she was doing. He tried to tell a priest what was happening but he didn’t believe him.

Anyway - he used it as an example of the reality of the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. The black mass people don’t waste their time in any other Church.
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