I would like to know the REAL definition of a schismatic?
According to the
- Incredulity is the neglect of revealed truth or the willful refusal to assent to it. Heresy is the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith, or it is likewise an obstinate doubt concerning the same; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Roman Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him.
PLEASE: keep note that the Campos group WAS OFFICIALLY! Reconciled with Pope John Paul II, and is now officially approved by Rome. Please read the Letter of in which the GREAT Campos group places itself at the disposal of the Pope, and obedience to him in all as the “Vicar of Christ on Earth.”
Campos did return to the Catholic fold a couple of years ago. I made a point of mentioning this; I even linked to their website above! But the fact remains that they were at one point in schism, and their “Campos Profession” was a schismatic document, which Malachi Martin subscribed to.
As far as I know, Malachi martin NEVER seperated himself from the Pope. He was not a sedavacanist, and was obedient to the Holy See. I don’t believe this makes a person schismatic. He WOULD have been schismatic if he totally said this pope is not valid, etc.
That isn’t true. A person can give lip service to the doctrines of papal primacy and infallibility
and still be a schismatic. Read the Church’s definition from the Catechism. Schism is not a denial
of the pope’s authority; its a refusal to
submit to it.
That he favored the Latin (Papal indult) Tridentine Mass, well, he had (as we all do) the RIGHT to if he wanted to. After all read Pope John Paul II’s 1988 instruction: “Motu Propio Ecclesia Dei”.
Its one thing to favor the Tridentine Mass and have an afinity for it (as I and many other orthodox Catholics do). Its another thing compeltely to deny its licity and to insist you have a
right to hear it. This is where Martin crossed the line. He claimed the
Missa Normativa to be illicit (though valid), and claimed that schismatic groups like the SSPX and the SSPV had a
right to say the Tridentine Mass.
In this he was in error.
I’ve found it to be the case that while self-styled “traditionalists” (myself included) are very good about about pointing out the splinters in their brothers’ eyes, they’re sledom so keen about the logs in their own. This is exactly what happened to Martin and Milingo, and this is exactly why the Church is so selective about who she chooses to exorcise demons. I believe that exorcists, because of the good work they do, have a propensity to pride, beliving that they have an “inside scoop” on the works of God and the devil, and they tend to think themselves impervious to diabolical influence. In fact, I think this can be said about gifted Christians in general, especially those in authority. Which is why the saints warn us never to actively seek out spiritual gifts, except the gift of final perseverence. Spiritual consolations and other powers can often be obstacles to humility.
Wow, talk about a tangent . . .