House Democrats’ stimulus bill includes stimulus checks for illegal immigrants, protections from deportations

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A stimulus package proposed by Democrats in the House of Representatives includes a number of items that will benefit illegal immigrants – including an expansion of stimulus checks and protections from deportations for illegal immigrants in certain “essential” jobs.

The $2.2 trillion bill includes language that allows some illegal immigrants – who are “engaged in essential critical infrastructure labor or services in the United States” – to be placed into “a period of deferred action” and authorized to work if they meet certain conditions.


Also in the legislation is language that would allow the a second round of stimulus checks, $1,200 per adults and $500 per dependent, to be extended to those without a social security number – including those in the country illegally who file taxes via an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).
Insanity. Absolute insanity.
While I think the merits could be debated, I dont think it is insane. As there are arguments that one could make in support of it even if one disagrees with those arguments from differences in value judgements.
Any scheme to give tax dollars to non citizens is insanity by any metric.
It sounds like you are using a colloquial usage of the word “insane” here that is more descriptive of an emotional response of an observer, but not descriptive of the mental health of the actor. If you are stating your feelings about the action, I have e no argument concerning your feelings.
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The first round saw a billion dollars go to dead people.
A stimulus package proposed by Democrats in the House of Representatives includes a number of items that will benefit illegal immigrants – including an expansion of stimulus checks and protections from deportations for illegal immigrants in certain “essential” jobs.

The $2.2 trillion bill includes language that allows some illegal immigrants – who are “engaged in essential critical infrastructure labor or services in the United States” – to be placed into “a period of deferred action” and authorized to work if they meet certain conditions.


Also in the legislation is language that would allow the a second round of stimulus checks, $1,200 per adults and $500 per dependent, to be extended to those without a social security number – including those in the country illegally who file taxes via an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).
All sounds like good ideas to me.
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Another article I read on it, sounded like something the medical industry wants, replacing American medical workers for lower paying foreign medical workers. They say that politicians don’t write bills anymore. Bills are written by lobbyist on K Street in DC.

“House Democrats Hide Amnesty, White-Collar Inflows in Coronavirus Bill”


House Democrats have buried a huge amnesty for several million blue-collar illegal aliens in their coronavirus bailout bill, which also creates a new pipeline to pump foreign workers into U.S. healthcare jobs…

…The legislation also allows employers to import many nurses and doctors to work in lower-wage staffing companies, even though many American nurses, doctors, and medical experts have been laid off during the coronavirus crash, even though many Americans are training to become healthcare workers.

Starting on page 2034, the bill offers fast-track green cards to foreign doctors, nurses, and scientists, including many who arrive on temporary H-1B, J-1, or O-1 visas, saying:…

…The resulting flood of the compliant and cheap foreign worker will allow the executives in hospital chains to sideline American nurses and doctors, he said. Under the Democrats’ bill, executives “can go out there and say ‘I’m going to bring in a bunch of nurses and I’ll certify the [promised] wage based [on wage rates in] Tupelo, Mississippi,’ and then send them to [high-wage worksites in] New York or Silicon Valley.”…
A foretaste of what we can expect if the Dems end up in control…😩
Basically, they don’t like the population we have and want one they think will be more likely to vote for them.

That aside, I don’t see paying illegal aliens with taxpayer money to come here when Americans are out of work.
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I am a vocal Trump supporter and very rarely like anything the Dems propose. However, I do see some value in these with limitations.
The $2.2 trillion bill includes language that allows some illegal immigrants – who are “engaged in essential critical infrastructure labor or services in the United States” – to be placed into “a period of deferred action” and authorized to work if they meet certain conditions
I live in a state where our main industry is agriculture. It is harvest time and harvest does not get done without migrant workers. We are also a big dairy state. Many of the workers on the dairies are Hispanics. Many of the Hispanics in our state are here legally, but we know not all of them are.

I’m okay with deferred action as long as there are strict conditions of what are those “essential” services and some checking to know the person actually does the work and wasn’t hired the day before in order to meet the definition.
Also in the legislation is language that would allow the a second round of stimulus checks, $1,200 per adults and $500 per dependent, to be extended to those without a social security number – including those in the country illegally who file taxes via an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).
I disagree with stimulus checks going to those without social security number who do not file a tax return. I am okay with those who do file a return with a ITIN. I know several families who do this. They are hard working, good people who are raising their children well. Some are leaders of parish ministries, some I am proud to call friends.

I have always been against entering this country illegally from anywhere, but I am also against mass deportation of people who have been here for many years and are living a lawful life, contributing to society, acclimating to US culture (while still retaining some of their own), being taxpayers, sending their kids to college, and just being good human beings. There should be a way for them to work toward legal status and someday obtain citizenship.
This is a stimulus bill. Why do they always try to cram other junk in there?
While I think the merits could be debated, I dont think it is insane. As there are arguments that one could make in support of it even if one disagrees with those arguments from differences in value judgements.
Like? They will immediately spend it therefore putting money back into “Economy Train”.
Some people received a debit card.

Some received direct deposit.

A billion went out to dead people.

College students didn’t get any.

It didn’t work out well.
I have a beef with the IRS and am still trying to get my first stimulus check. The fact that so much money went to dead people is infuriating!! I could really use the money.
Special interests do like to lard up spending bills. It won’t happen but it would be nice if the President was given the line item veto.
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