Houston Texas Evil Black Mass and Mockery against Catholics

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I would suggest that you read about the Satanic Temple organization.

It is primarily an activist organization designed to annoy Christians. The majority of the people involved with it are not serious Satan worshippers. The group states that they do not believe in an actual Satan. They also claim that they do not believe in “magick”. They see much of their activity as either defending constitutional rights, standing up for groups that Christians oppress (in their opinion), and/or engaging in satire.

That doesn’t make it okay because one shouldn’t be playing around with Satanic stuff. Also, there are likely a few people involved with the organization who take Satan worship seriously for one reason or another.

Basically the group is looking for attention. That is why they sponsor events, such as brewery parties and concerts, and call the events a “Black Mass”. It gets them headlines. It is better to pray for them without becoming too agitated over what they do.

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Yes, he is the original promoter of Our Lady of Pompeii and the 54 day Novena to Our Lady which the US Grace Force says over and over. Next time I am in Italy I hope to see Our Lady of Pompeii. I haven’t managed to get to Pompeii at all yet and only recently became aware of the importance of this shrine.

I hope he becomes a saint soon. I respect him a great deal for having a Josephite marriage with the countess who helped him in his work.
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It is primarily an activist organization designed to annoy Christians. The majority of the people involved with it are not serious Satan worshippers.
And that was exactly they vibe I got from that Twitter feed, too. I didn’t sense that the writer actually believed anything he was saying, but was just trolling Christians as offensively as possible.
According to their Twitter page, they did indeed obtain a consecrated host for use in their desecration ritual. But seeing as they’re simply a tax-exempt trolling group, I’m not sure how truthful they are.

Let’s not forget, that’s the point of this atheist group: trolling believers in general and Catholics in particular.
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‘Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.’
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Unitas said:
According to their Twitter page, they did indeed obtain a consecrated host for use in their desecration ritual…
That’s just saying they’re proud of using deceit to commit a theft in order to publicly taunt other people they’ve decided they hate just that much. I hope they’re released from whatever could do that to a person’s sense of natural human empathy. Even atheists who only have the natural law written on their hearts know better and want to do better than that. What a low place of motivation to live in.
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Unitas said:
According to their Twitter page, they did indeed obtain a consecrated host for use in their desecration ritual. But seeing as they’re simply a tax-exempt trolling group, I’m not sure how truthful they are.

Let’s not forget, that’s the point of this atheist group: trolling believers in general and Catholics in particular.
They post on Reddit suggesting that they simply buy a box of unconsecrated hosts because they don’t believe in God or consecration anyway and have “better things to do with their time” than attend Masses to steal a host. Let us hope it’s true, it sounds like it probably is because they’re trolls as you said, not true believers in Satan.
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This type of satanism is just an atheistic paradoy religion and its sole purpose is to rile up Christians.
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I feel more sorry for these “Satanists” than anything else. I mean, if they really want to worship Satan, fine. But they won’t like what happens to them in the end.
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Let us pray for them that the most that happens to them is they just end up feeling ashamed and “what was I thinking?” And never have to actually deal with the real Satan.
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It appears to be someone putting on a stunt to get attention for their brewery/ new beer release, and to raise money for a dog rescue.
It was no stunt. A co-owner of the brewery is a recently professed satanist and the “black mass” was real and took place. The pastor of Raegina Caeli (NW Houston) visited with family of said co-owner and they have asked that we pray for her by name (Sasha).
I am sure they do stuff before the have the so called fake m–s won’t spell the word for their sick satisfaction. Meaning they prepare the day before they do their sick stuff.
If Houston parishes take it seriously, so should Catholics here.
I just now copied this from the satanists’ Twitter account:

"The Satanic Temple - Houston

·Nov 24

The Catholics and their fat mama Mary did not stop our Black Mass. The consecrated host was defiled, destroyed, and swept into the trash where it belongs. Thank you Brash brewing company for hosting this wonderful event! Public Unbaptism early 2020 y’all! #HAILSATAN"

How can any Catholic not be horrified by this? This is most definitely not a harmless “stunt,” and satanists are not harmless. How could anyone who hates Christ’s Church so vehemently be harmless?
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How can any Catholic not be horrified by this? This is most definitely not a harmless “stunt,” and satanists are not harmless. How could anyone who hates Christ’s Church so vehemently be harmless?
There’s nothing that can be done to stop them.
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Specifically the Rosary and the St. Michael Prayer.
Yes there is We should fight against that and make a law against such hate. All these other groups do something when they say they are being attacked. – we just twitter and sit back. Sometimes I think the internet just makes us passive.
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