How are angels differentiated, since they don't occupy space?

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Dear Blackfriar,
I’m 90% sure, Ive seen angels in human form, driving a truck that saved my neck. It may seem silly to some but…I was driving out of my housing area There was a seriously starving pit bull dog in my path. His ribs stuck out 2inches. Now, I figured, if I went back to get food for it, he might be gone before I returned. Poor thing was trying to eat a blade of grass in the crack of street. So, I get out of car and start speaking softly to dog and praying out loud.I was getting closer. I felt like he was sizing me up as a steak. A pick up truck started driving towards me. It stopped and, the driver reached down and brought out 2 cans of dog food. I buy dry food. Somewhere in Time they made cans w opening tabs. Hallelujah.
Both men in truck had those flannel checked shirts on.One was blue and the other was red. I opened can and carefully dropped the meat out of can. He woofed it down.I opened the other can and he gobbled it up. Funny, the person in the house opened door and said it was their dog. He’d gotten out 2 wks ago. She let him in, saying,”DONT BITE ME! DONT BOTE ME!
Of course truck was gone right after I took cans. Turned a corner and ??
The statistical chances of that happening, I think are rare. I’m convinced they were angels that saved my neck. I’m not floating around feeling extra Holy from angel visitation. I am grateful.
There was another miraculous happening. I’ll spare you. But, the angels wore flesh and blood, both times and took up space.
Glory to God. Thank You, Lord, for my miracles.
In Christ’s love
There is this sort of " perfection" in space and time that makes one really wonder.
A friend of mine,quite rational and not the type who will go about looking for angels,has a brief similar story .Also two men btw.
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Same with my sister. Very secular minded business woman type. She doesn’t look for angels either. One old man who pushed her car out of the way of an oncoming car inthe middle of an intersection. She doesn’t know how he got there or how he avoided getting hit. Was suddenly gtone when she got out of the car to thank him
In the Tobit, an appochryphal Book, Tobias has a journey that involves Raphael, an angel, that travels in this earths plane. He counsels Tobias and tells him how to kill a demon that kills Sarah’s husbands on the wedding night. Tobias did as told and he and Sarah were successfully married. Angel, alive walking on earth.
In Christ’s love
There is another dimension called the Holy Angel dimension. That’s where they exist. It’s right besides our imperfect human dimension.
Watch all the Angels in Mass tomorrow, including your happy Guardian Angel that you are in Mass

( written and inspired by my Guardian Angel )

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We just dont know. But why should we think our experiences to day are all that different from theirs. They are just as unproveable or believable to men of good will as back then.

Also, angels have similar analogues in many other cultures.

The only diff between then and now then is a set of ancient writings which many today, if the religion is true, some believe require all angel stories to be historically true in every detail…including physicality of angels.

Like Galileo and geocentrism in the Bible … that does not seem to necessarily follow.

Further, we possess no angel relics, no feathers.
Nor has any approved apparition ever involved the clear passing of a physical object from heaven from what I can make out. Its always to do with changes in what already exists on earth…be it a shroud or a cloak, or roses blooming in winter.
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I wonder if angels are amused right now that we’re even having this conversation about their existence…😎
We could say exactly the same thing re faeries who gather in the backyatd under the trees to dance at dusk. The only reason we dont notice them is because they are fast small and its dim light and they are only fully visible when we turn our backs.
No doubt they laugh at us in our lack of spiritual vision.

Its a timeless desire to see spirits.
But why, and what purpose does it serve?

Nobody really knows, but they seem to fill a gap in creation many of us intuitively perceive is there.

All wholly unprovable either way.
Angels have no accidents. They are differentiated by their substance.
There was the angel that appeared at Fatima. I’m not sure how the angel was characterized, but apparently it spoke “Penance, penance, penance!” etc.
The angel of Fatima is quite noteworthy and interesting in his message to the children of Fatima. This is what he said to the children.

  1. Apparitions of the Angel
… Suddenly, we saw the same Angel right beside us.

“What are you doing?” he asked. “Pray! Pray very much! The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have designs of mercy on you. Offer prayers and sacrifices constantly to the Most High.”

“How are we to make sacrifices?” I asked.

“Make of everything you can a sacrifice, and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for the conversion of sinners. You will thus draw down peace upon your country. I am its Angel Guardian, the Angel of Portugal. Above all, accept and bear with submission, the suffering which the Lord will send you.”
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Angels have no accidents. They are differentiated by their substance.
I don’t believe the first sentence is the case.
If it were true how can angels change or do anything - eg making decisions, relating to other angels etc.
They would be the spiritual equivalent of a monolith.
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Things whose essence naturally requires that they exist in another being. Accidents are also called the appearances, species, or properties of a thing. These may be either physical, such as quantity, or modal, such as size or shape. From the Catholic Dictionary Accidents
If it were true how can angels change or do anything - eg making decisions, relating to other angels etc.
Angels use their intellect to relate to other angels. They can use their wills, which are more powerful than ours, to change or do things.
Ok people, I just have to say this, apart from what the Bible and CCC tells us, we have no idea of Angels
Saint Thomas Aquinas, The Angelic Doctor of the Church, is also a good source.
I know what accidents are thanks, studied Aquinas for 6 years.
Your source of information is a hopelessly inadequate basis in its concise (and incomplete) definition.
Clearly an act of will requires change, all change (if not substantial) must therefore be accidental.
Angels do not change into a new species every time they think or will…so the change involved is not substantial.

Therefore they must have accidental proprties in their being to allow thinking and willing.

God does not have any accidental properties as His Willing and Thinking are the same as His Being. He does not change in doing so. Hence the capitals. In fact some go so far as to say this is a sign of the Trinity. The 2nd Person is God Thinking, the 3rd God Willing/Loving.
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You’re probably right.

Please explain why an act of will is not completely substantial. I was apparently wrongly thinking will and intellect were substance.

Why would an act of will require a change into a new species?

I admit that I have not studied Aquinas for six years. Whenever I try to read Aquinas, the work seems nearly like a foreign language. I rely upon others interpreting St Thomas. I probably do not have the background needed and completely understand if you don’t want to answer my questions.
Please explain why an act of will is not completely substantial.
Basic Aristotle. Change can only be of two types. A change in properties (accidents lets say) of a substance (the thing remains the same eg pressing a new shape into plasticene) or a change in the underling substance/thing itself (eg burning the plasticene).

Thinking, willing, remembering etc all necessarily imply change in the thing involved. In humans these changes are in the matter of the brain (we can even observe the activity, we can locate where memories are held also).

What about angels who have no matter?
Where are their memory and knowledge held?
So there must be some aspect of their spiritual being, that has changable properties.
Thus we posit spiritual faculties of nous/mind capable of change that are not identifiable with their very being.
So when they think it is like plasticene changing shape.
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