How are you coping with the coronavirus pandemic?

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It think that it is difficult having to stay indoors when you have to do it.

I just got over a bout of bronchitis and had to have my asthma medications changed. :roll_eyes:

I’m sorry that you’re at high-risk, too.

If anyone lives near a national park, the park service is waiving entrance fees indefinitely for now here in the U.S., so that people can go outside and use the parks during this time.
That would be great. I love Congaree, but we had a lot of rain for a good while, and it’s a swamp, so it might be under water. And pollen even if it isn’t. I live in a rural area, in the woods near a lake. And I’ll tell you what, if they have a mandatory stay-at-home thing here in South Carolina like they did in some of the other states, I’m still going to go outside and walk around my yard. I’ll have a coughing fit the whole time, but I’m going to do it. I don’t have asthma, but I’ve had bronchitis before and I know that’s no fun.
Allergies and coughing are no fun, either. 😟

Yeah, it would be nice if you could get out for awhile…

Maybe if you could take something first that helps with your coughing before you go outside, so that it’s not so bad?

I keep you in my thoughts and prayers anyway, as my friend. ❤️
I’ve started doing pushups whenever I don’t know what to do. I can do pitifully few, but if this goes on for very long I might be ripped like a prisoner.

For all our sakes let’s hope it ends quickly. It would be nice to be fit but I’d MUCH rather the world recovered quickly.
This coronavirus coincided with my mom suffering a small stroke, so I’m spending my days at her house now helping with her meals, making sure she takes her medications, and keeping up with the household responsibilities so that my sister, who is a nurse and lives with our mom, doesn’t have so much to do when she gets home from work (which is especially stressful for her now).
I am so sorry about your mom and I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

In time of a big disaster taking over the news, my thoughts are always with the people having personal struggles unrelated to the disaster, like a death in their family or a loved one with a health problem not disaster-related. These situations go on whether times are good or times are bad and they mostly get ignored because they’re “just one person’s problem”. I think I will make a special effort going forward to pray for those having such publicly “ignored” problems.
I love to color too! I have small cards with psalm quotes on them, and tons of colored pencils! I like to shade and layer colors over each other, so even though they are small, they still occupy me for a good while. 🙂
Yes, that does sound funny now that you isolated those two words. 😂
We live a quiet life to begin with, so not much has changed here. We’re not under a remain-at-home order in Alabama, but with everything closed down, there’s not much to do outside the house. We had just installed a large Roku TV, and one of the subscriptions I signed up for was Great Courses Plus. I’m watching courses in Latin, Greek, Spanish, astronomy, physics, western civilization, history of Christianity, and philosophy, and if those don’t keep me out of trouble, I’m hopeless!

We have gotten their catalog in the mail, they do have some good offerings!
My sister has the Roku TV, but I have like an actual physical Roku, I’ve had one for a while, although eventually I had to update one, trust me it’s very useful.
We have gotten their catalog in the mail, they do have some good offerings!
The nice thing about the subscription is that it’s only a few bucks per month, and you get access to almost everything they have, including being able to download .pdf versions of the course manuals. You can pull up the lectures on any device.

(And this is beginning to sound like a commercial – shutting up now 😃 )

I really need to catch up on studying my French. Right now, I’m watching a guy on YouTube who is stuck in Spain, indoors, who teaches French, and he’s doing exercises, in French. He’s a really dorky dude, and I mean that in the best way possible.
I play games with my youngest and do house things. I’ve put off painting a room so I am going to lowes with DH tommorrow for supplies…
I am overjoyed dh is working from home.
I get “homework” from my job regarding diamond grading and sales things.
And adding a little sugar to it, I hope … Lemonade can be pretty sour without it.
I’ve been watching CNN for hours every day. I’m also playing the new Animal Crossing.
Allergies and coughing are no fun, either. 😟
My wife and I went into a large liquor store today. Only ten at a time (we counted as too) were allowed in.

Anyway, it’s amazing how much thinking about it, and nothing the yahoos in masks, makes you feel like you have to cough . . .

(when we got home, I sent my wife in to wash first and move all existing beer out of the beer refrigerator, and only then brought the new stuff in, where it will stay until it isn’t opened any sooner than Monday night . . . and I took it all out of the cardboard boxes, which were discarded ) [similarly, the wine was moved to the kitchen, and the new left in that roomn]

That was perfect timing to sign up for the Great Courses Plus and installing a new
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