How can homosexuality be immoral or contrary to natural ends if there is a genetic/evolutionary/biological reason for it?

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There aren’t as many people practicing bestiality as there are homosexuals, which is why there isn’t as much need of a genetic/biological explanaition for them.
There weren’t many people practicing homosexuality until the government started mandating that everybody tolerate it.
That’s not even wrong.
If beastiality was tolerated and proliferated like homosexuality, there would be scientists trying to rationalize that choice with a genetic/biological side to it as to make it more acceptable to the public.
For anybody here who might wrongly think that this comparison is ridiculous:

There have been cultures where bestiality is much more common.
There have been cultures where incest is much more common.
There have been cultures where pedophilia is much more common.

Legal and social approval of a sexual activity does and will cause that activity to become more common. Sexuality is not black and white. People exist on a gradient and certain tendencies can become much more common if they are promoted and this is especially true if they are promoted at an early age when a person has a lot more neuroplasticity.

This has nothing to do with my religious convictions as a Catholic. This is just how it is.
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Have I got that right?
You sure do. And you can add anyone who masturbates to that list, too. The gravity of these sins are more or less severe, but they are all abusive and perverted, frustrating the purpose of sexuality as a means of joining the sexes (both of them) in a personal bond that is total, free, faithful and open to life.
That’s an odd explanation for homosexuality and I wouldn’t agree with it as foundation of any other thought.
Have I got that right?
You sure do. And you can add anyone who masturbates to that list, too. The gravity of these sins are more or less severe, but they are all abusive and perverted, frustrating the purpose of sexuality as a means of joining the sexes (both of them) in a personal bond that is total, free, faithful and open to life.
And you wonder why people leave the church. I mean, it honestly puzzles some people.

‘My wife and I have just moved into the area and were thinking about joining your church’.
‘Ah, yes. I heard about you two. You’re the couple whose son is a pervert. Welcome!’
If beastiality was tolerated and proliferated like homosexuality, there would be scientists trying to rationalize that choice with a genetic/biological side to it as to make it more acceptable to the public.
For anybody here who might wrongly think that this comparison is ridiculous:
It’s not ridiculous. It’s odious.
How can we still argue that homosexuality is immoral/contrary to the procreative i jI faculties if there is an explicit genetic/evolutionary/biological reason for it?"
One might be forced to conclude that starting wars should be seen as a service to mankind as they serve to restrain population growth (a form of birth control?) and also improve the average quality of those left standing (survival of the fittest and all that). :roll_eyes:

Of course I’m not serious, but I struggle to take the premise in the OP seriously either.
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The fact of the matter is God does not etch the “big gay” into people’s genes. The implications would be ridiculous and would make God a maniac.
We don’t need to attribute the SSA to some “decision of God”, anymore that we attribute being born blind to God. The world, including biological processes are imperfect and things happen.
Homosexuality, like pedophilia, beastiality and other sexual perversions are a choice, not a biological constant.
Do you mean some young men can simply choose to turn off any sexual attraction to women and choose to turn on a sexual interest in other men? Isn’t it more rational to assume their sexual attractions are a given and the choice comes in later as they decide how to behave?
It’s not ridiculous. It’s odious.
Why is it odious? Feelings aren’t a reason. Feelings are feelings. You haven’t actually said much of anything so far.

This is already happening as we speak with digisexuality (sex with machines) and polygamy. There are a growing number of people that are attempting to rationalize these things and add them to the growing list of sexual behavior that is allegedly benign

Zoophilia is more taboo - and laws about it have a lot to do with that - but it’s more common than what some people here probably realize. Just because it is underground doesn’t mean it is exceedingly rare. If you’ve gone shopping at a large mall or supermarket than you’ve probably walked past one or more people that have engaged in this behavior.
And you wonder why people leave the church. I mean, it honestly puzzles some people.
Christian congregations that have conceded on all of the hot-button sexual issues are the ones where membership is in freefall.

Again, this is a fact. It has nothing to do with my or anybody else’s religious convictions. People stop going to churches when those churches submit themselves to pop culture.
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I hope my answer will somewhat clarify your question. I’m actually an openly gay catholic. I sought every answer I could from the church over this topic and over time have came to a good standing with my tendencies and a Catholic Way of life.
Homosexual acts are immoral to Catholics because it goes against the intent of creation. God created man and woman for each other to love and procreate. Knowing this and committing a homosexual act is what makes homosexual tendencies a sin. It’s like any other tendency or habit, it becomes a sin once you act upon that thought. It is also like any sexual act that you commit outside of marriage.
Your question is a bit miss ordered though.
The acts of homosexuality is what is immoral not the state of being homosexual or having homosexual thoughts. The church does NOT condemn the homosexual, but the homosexual ACTS. The church’s view on it is to have a life of purity and abstinence. The reason for this is because, like all heterosexual Catholics, you are not suppose to be having sex until marriage. Anything outside of this a grave sin. Having homosexual tendencies is “our Cross” in life that we are meant to bear. That temptation, suffering and chastity is what we’re suppose to offer to the Lord so we can live in grace and accordance with his plan.
In the late 1900’s, at the time, Cardinal Ratzinger, actually sent the bishops of the church a statement pertaining to the care of homosexual Catholics. This document expressed nothing but love and compassion for people with homosexual tendencies because it was understood that there was now scientific meaning behind some of the reasons people had these tendencies.
If you would like to read this document, it’s a pretty good document to get the perspective of the Church on homosexuality. “
Nonetheless, We are all his children and He loves us more than any Father will regardless of what we prefer or who we are.
Hope this helped.
God bless.
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Do you mean some young men can simply choose to turn off any sexual attraction to women and choose to turn on a sexual interest in other men? Isn’t it more rational to assume their sexual attractions are a given and the choice comes in later as they decide how to behave?
Thistle’s post is incorrect, but again, it isn’t either/or. It is both. Most human sexuality is not binary. This is what the best science tells us. Experiences in early childhood while people have more neuroplasticity can also heavily affect adult behavior.

There are some people who are strongly homosexual. A lot of people aren’t strictly homosexual but have some bisexual tendencies. In an environment where this behavior is lauded, those tendencies grow and flourish. This is a fact. Human sexuality is not static.
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How can we still argue that homosexuality is immoral/contrary to the procreative faculties if there is an explicit genetic/evolutionary/biological reason for it?"
Assume for sake of argument that same sex attraction is natural. In that case the right manner of copulation is still to be observed and there is no proper set of copulatory organs between same sexes, therefore expressions of same sex attraction would yet exclude such acts.
Assume for sake of argument that same sex attraction is natural.
What does “natural” mean?
I used the word natural in this context for the original post reference to “an evolutionary means of birth control”. Normally the use of the term natural law is that law, following from eternal law, that rational creatures participate in. This would assume that evolution is eternal law rather than a corruption introduced by moral evil or physical evil.
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There weren’t many people practicing homosexuality until the government started mandating that everybody tolerate it.
This is naive. There has always been people practicing homosexuality. They were just in the closet about it, or married someone of the opposite sex anyway and ruined a bunch of lives (spouse and children), likely.
People stop going to churches when those churches submit themselves to pop culture.
I have found that people who seek out church usually do so because they find it important to have an authority in their life telling them how to live. Those who don’t have this need, tend to not go so much, or to leave once they go and find out what it is about.

It stands to reason that if someone is seeking authority in their lives to make choices so they don’t have to, then they get to church and that isn’t what they find, they leave.

It doesn’t have to do with sexuality.
In that case the right manner of copulation is still to be observed and there is no proper set of copulatory organs between same sexes, therefore expressions of same sex attraction would yet exclude such acts.
I know plenty of gay people who would say otherwise. Copulation means “to couple”. Body parts fit in all kinds of places.
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This is naive. There has always been people practicing homosexuality. They were just in the closet about it, or married someone of the opposite sex anyway and ruined a bunch of lives (spouse and children), likely.
It is not naive at all.

Yes, there are some people who are innately very strongly homosexual. Most people fall into more of a gray area. The prevalence and acceptance of homosexuality in pop culture can make it far more commonplace and allow those tendencies to flourish. There really isn’t much room for argument here.

And whether or not some people find it “odious” the reality is exactly the same for other forms of sexual expression, such as zoophilia, pedophilia, digisexuality, incest, etc.
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