I hope my answer will somewhat clarify your question. I’m actually an openly gay catholic. I sought every answer I could from the church over this topic and over time have came to a good standing with my tendencies and a Catholic Way of life.
Homosexual acts are immoral to Catholics because it goes against the intent of creation. God created man and woman for each other to love and procreate. Knowing this and committing a homosexual act is what makes homosexual tendencies a sin. It’s like any other tendency or habit, it becomes a sin once you act upon that thought. It is also like any sexual act that you commit outside of marriage.
Your question is a bit miss ordered though.
The acts of homosexuality is what is immoral not the state of being homosexual or having homosexual thoughts. The church does NOT condemn the homosexual, but the homosexual ACTS. The church’s view on it is to have a life of purity and abstinence. The reason for this is because, like all heterosexual Catholics, you are not suppose to be having sex until marriage. Anything outside of this a grave sin. Having homosexual tendencies is “our Cross” in life that we are meant to bear. That temptation, suffering and chastity is what we’re suppose to offer to the Lord so we can live in grace and accordance with his plan.
In the late 1900’s, at the time, Cardinal Ratzinger, actually sent the bishops of the church a statement pertaining to the care of homosexual Catholics. This document expressed nothing but love and compassion for people with homosexual tendencies because it was understood that there was now scientific meaning behind some of the reasons people had these tendencies.
If you would like to read this document, it’s a pretty good document to get the perspective of the Church on homosexuality. “
http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/c...faith_doc_19861001_homosexual-persons_en.html “
Nonetheless, We are all his children and He loves us more than any Father will regardless of what we prefer or who we are.
Hope this helped.
God bless.