Yeah…i wished I could have come sooner
Actually, that’s its etymology, not it’s definition. The etymology of a word is not necessarily how it’s used in the target language.Copulation means “to couple”. Body parts fit in all kinds of places.
How can you use the Bible to defend moral relativism? Either the Bible is the Word of God and is always true or it’s not true. And by the way, killing is not always a mortal sin. Killing in legitimate defense is perfectly licit (CCC 2265).Morality is subjective and dependent on context. This is born out in the Bible
Let’s first debate whether the statement is true or not before we try to argue how it could still be immoral. If it’s false that homosexuality is a type of evolution in the human species, then we’ve wasted valuable time debating a non-issue.How can we still argue that homosexuality is immoral/contrary to the procreative faculties if there is an explicit genetic/evolutionary/biological reason for it?"
50% or more is extremely high, but you have to consider:That seems incredibly high. I understand it was an accepted practice in ancient Greece, along with pederasty. I believe if it really was half of men then many of them were not entirely thrilled about it but caved to cultural pressure.
Because God says it is immoral. No further debate is required.
God doesn’t say that, the authors of the Bible - who may be inspired by God - claim that. Several Christians analyze those words differently these days.
Regardless, if you base your justification on absolutism and presuppositions, I agree you do not need to participate in the discussion.
Are you able to acknowledge that the sexual complementarity of human male/female is uniquely essential, without feeling pressured by moral or religious absolutes?Let’s leave any religious considerations aside for a second:
Can you agree that human existence is primary to anything else human? Like this discussion for instance…if you and I don’t exist, we are not having this discussion.
How about human rights? If human beings don’t exist, human rights have no meaning, right?
Are we in agreement so far?
How do human beings come to exist? Is there any other configuration of human physicality that will accomplish the good end of human existence, other than male/female?
Did I just refer to religious absolutes or religious presuppositions? Scripture?
It actually is a definition right out of the dictionary… “A joining together or coupling”Actually, that’s its etymology , not it’s definition . The etymology of a word is not necessarily how it’s used in the target language.
I’m looking at the definition on the Merriam-Webster site:Gorgias:![]()
It actually is a definition right out of the dictionary… “A joining together or coupling”Actually, that’s its etymology , not it’s definition . The etymology of a word is not necessarily how it’s used in the target language.
Moreover, in their section on the etymology, we find:
So… I’m gonna stick with “etymology, not definition”.History and Etymology for copulate
Latin copulatus , past participle of copulare to join, from copula — see COPULA
You seem to be claiming that any penetration of a bodily orifice is the same as sexual intercourse between a man and woman. Is that correct?Gorgias:![]()
It actually is a definition right out of the dictionary… “A joining together or coupling”Actually, that’s its etymology , not it’s definition . The etymology of a word is not necessarily how it’s used in the target language.
What does evolution tell us about animals doing things to other animals without their consent?Bestiality is acknowledged animal cruelty and is against the law
There is only one form of coupling consistent with the full functioning of the sexual faculty.I know plenty of gay people who would say otherwise. Copulation means “to couple”. Body parts fit in all kinds of places.
Morality in the sense you use the term is context dependent. It is only absolute when the act in focus specifically opposes what we understand to be divinely forbidden. All killing is not divinely forbidden. But the intentional killing of an innocent person is forbidden to us - absolutely. This is where Catholics part company with some others, who claim that there are no absolutes of this kind.Morality is subjective and dependent on context. This is born out in the Bible (it is a mortal sin to kill - unless God commands you to). Context is everything.
That’s akin to asking if having children has any value. Of course it does. But does that mean that everyone should have children? Of course it doesn’t.If you can acknowledge that human sexuality between male and female is uniquely essential to human existence, do you find that of any value?
That’s akin to asking if having children has any value. Of course it does. But does that mean that everyone should have children? Of course it doesn’t.If you can acknowledge that human sexuality between male and female is uniquely essential to human existence, do you find that of any value?
Maybe because you didn’t make one. But you did ask a question to which there was an obvious answer. Was there no implication? I guess we can see if we answer the question directly.Freddy:![]()
That’s akin to asking if having children has any value. Of course it does. But does that mean that everyone should have children? Of course it doesn’t.If you can acknowledge that human sexuality between male and female is uniquely essential to human existence, do you find that of any value?