If you agree the Bible is not inerrant, then why do Catholics claim it is the word of God?
You’re really impressively mischaracterizing what I’m writing. Where did I “agree that the Bible is not inerrant”?
So gay marriage then is not wrong - it is the homosexual act that is wrong?
I didn’t address ‘gay marriage’. But, since you bring it up, let’s discuss it:
- On the face of it, ‘gay marriage’ might fit the definition of “a sin of scandal”. This is often misunderstood by many (including Catholics), so let’s make sure we’re clear on what it means. In short, it means that some might be led to think, by virtue of the witness of the public act being made, that it’s a morally virtuous act (when it is, in fact, not). So, it might lead others into sin.
- Additionally, it’s not the ‘marriage’, per se, that’s sinful, but the state of life that (presumably) includes sinful acts – in this case, sinful homosexual acts.
How can you do the same thing as me, and it be a sin for me but not for you?
Not at all sure what you’re trying to say here. If you participate in a homosexual act, it’s a sin for you. If I participate in a homosexual act, it’s a sin for me. What are you trying to say?
Gay marriage is a homosexual act.
No… it’s not. However, it’s reasonable to presume that it’s a public action that gives witness to subsequent sinful acts (and hence,
scandal rather than
sin in itself, per se).
Beats me. Clearly, though, you are.
Perhaps you do not know the difference between a sound argument and an INVALID one.
Perhaps. Yet…
you’re the agitated one.
you are saying even IF God exists, He is not the source of objective morality
Nope. Not at all. Not sure why you think I’m saying that.
That being said, consider this analogous argument:
- My mother’s recipe for apple pie is the best ever
- My mother is alive
- My mother tells you the recipe
Therefore, you now are in possession of the best ever apple pie recipe.
The above is a SOUND argument.
You realize that your first premise is
exactly the premise you argued against earlier, right? The whole “Susan is pretty” thing you brought up – and which you argued is “not an objective statement” – is now “a sound argument”? Uhh… riiiiiiiiiight.
Tell you what: if you can decide whether an argument is sound or not… and not contradict yourself… then we can talk about whether your sometimes-sound-and-sometimes-unsound arguments are valid.
Then why is a wedding ceremony wrong? What “act” in the ceremony is sinful?
Because it’s a witness to a putative assertion that immoral acts are morally sound.