that’s a wildly unsupported assumptionThe point of the topic is IF homosexuality/bisexuality has evolutionary benefit,
I’ll re-ask you a question that you either didn’t see upthread or don’t want to answer:There’s been many lines of discussion here, but the gist of it comes down to Catholicism stating that it is the ACT of homosexuality that is immoral.
do you want to address this or not?Let’s leave any religious considerations aside for a second:
Can you agree that human existence is primary to anything else human? Like this discussion for instance…if you and I don’t exist, we are not having this discussion.
How about human rights? If human beings don’t exist, human rights have no meaning, right?
Are we in agreement so far?
How do human beings come to exist? Is there any other configuration of human physicality that will accomplish the good end of human existence, other than male/female?
Did I just refer to religious absolutes or religious presuppositions? Scripture?
Do you really believe that the Catholic Church invented human nature?
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