How can I avoid going to hell?

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The RCC teaches us that all baptised will go to purgatory in place of hell for the unbaptised.
The RCC teaches us that it is possible for a pagan or an atheist to go to Heaven and for a Catholic to go to Hell.
It’s harder for a pagan or atheist to get to Heaven because they don’t have the direct help of Mother Church; but they can still get there.

Edit: Nor does the Church teach that all unbaptized go to Hell.

As for Purgatory: it’s a temporary state, a stopping place where souls are cleansed in preparation to enter Heaven. If a soul reaches Purgatory then it is absolutely certain that soul will in time enter Heaven.
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If in mortal sin, do Catholics and pagans go to hell? How do Catholics end up in Purgatory?
Dear Stig and Everyone else,

Here is a great story for you about God’s providence, full story is in the link below:

" …What follows is a brief description of that encounter, based on accounts written soon afterward. The Christian and Muslim armies stood opposite each other at close quarters. The sultan had decreed that anyone who brought him the head of a Christian should be rewarded with a gold piece. Francis, however, the knight of Christ, was unafraid and hoped to realize his ambition of dying as a martyr for Christ. Friar Illuminatus accompanied him.

The Muslim soldiers seized them fiercely and dragged them before the sultan. When he asked why they were sent and by whom, Francis replied courageously that they had been sent by God, not by man, to show him and his subjects the way of salvation and to proclaim the truth of the gospel message. Francis proclaimed the triune God and Jesus Christ, the savior of all, with steadfastness, courage and spirit.

When the sultan saw the little friar’s enthusiasm and courage, he listened to him willingly and pressed him to stay with him. Then he offered Francis a number of valuable gifts, but the saint was anxious only for the salvation of souls and refused the sultan’s gifts. The sultan, astonished at Francis’ utter disregard for worldly wealth, felt greater respect than ever for the saint. (In fact, Francis accepted an ivory horn that is displayed in Assisi’s Basilica of St. Francis.)… "
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Can you please find a different link for the Brown Scapular? The sisters in your link are not in good standing. For one, the Sabbetine Privilege in the link has no historical basis, and both the O.Carm and OCD Carmelites do not and are not supposed to promote it.
Actually an act of perfect contrition, non-priests cannont absolve.
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Well, what about the various statements of the Popes over the centuries about the scapular. Don’t they prove the historicity of the vision?
Frankly, no. Over the years many popes have encouraged the wearing of the Brown Scapular. Some such as Gregory XIII, Clement VII, Pope Saint Pius V, Pope Saint Pius X, and Pope John Paul II have repeated the stories and legends concerning Saint Simon Stock or the Sabbatine Privilege. No one has ever claimed that these statements enjoy the privilege of infallibility. They do not meet the criterion which the First Vatican Council set down for papal statements to be infallible. The statements should be considered doctrinally sound, but that doesn’t mean that they are historically accurate. Papal infallibility pertains to faith (doctrine) and morals, it does not extend to history or to the sciences. No Catholic would dispute that the scapular disposes its wearers to grace, including hopefully the grace of final perseverance, but we cannot say that Our Lady made any promises to Saint Simon Stock or to Pope John XXII regarding this sacramental.”
The Catholic Church is protected on matters of faith and morals, per Jesus Christ. Therefore a Catholic should not be concerned with contradictions taught by Islam but with what the Catholic Church teaches.
Islam isn’t real. So, there’s no danger of going to “Islam hell” any more than being sent to some other not real place.

Your real question seems to be “How can I know Catholicism is true?” Ask God to show you… and keep asking

I found Catholicism first from the documentary on Netflix “A Case for Christ.” And then the book of the same name. Once I knew Christianity was true, I found Catholicism was the only logical version of Christianity biblically, historically, and looking at the early church fathers. Once I had faith Catholicism is real, I had peace that Catholic teachings are real… And finally have peace with my faith.

But you need to know what is true before any of it will make sense.
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Jesus is not the Messiah in Islam. He is just a prophet who allegedly promises to send this new prophet Mohamed.
Do you believe in Jesus Christ or Islam (the empire based on Mohamed teachings)?
Jesus said whoever believes me He shall testify for him/her to the Father - God Almighty.
So whatever Islam teaches they can keep to themselves if they so desire but for the benefit of their souls they shouldn’t. It is either Jesus Christ, the Messiah, or any other manmade religion including Islam.
When I started my journey into the Catholic Church, my thoughts were not in full communion with Catholic doctrine and the church, yet there was enough to proceed with the conversion. I put my faith into God and the conversion process.

By the time I took the final rite on Easter, I WAS in full communion with doctrine. I was deeply, deeply moved. Move forward, pray often daily, and have faith that God will steer your boat towards righteousness. God steers moving boats faster than one that is not moving at all.

Talk to God tell him of your concerns, and that you seek the wisdom he has to offer. Move forward and have faith.
If in mortal sin, do Catholics and pagans go to hell? How do Catholics end up in Purgatory?
Anyone --Catholic or Protestant, Jew or Muslim, atheist or pagan–who dies in a state of unrepented mortal sin goes to Hell.
(Bear in mind that repentance at the very last second of life is still repentance. “Betwixt the saddle and the ground/he mercy asked and mercy found.”)

Catholics end up in Purgatory the same way anyone else does. We repent and are saved but we haven’t yet been cleansed of our sinfulness. We still need to be purified before we can enter God’s presence.
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@stig are you still on this thread
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Yes I am - but I was blocked by the site from answering you all due to a limit of posts. I’m shocked that in the country where free speech is cherished as one of the most important values - the Catholic church will limit it on their site when all that’s going on is a fair , decent and respectful exchange of thoughts.
Thanks for your concern. I’m not in immediate difficulties any more because a friend and his wife are helping me. If I’m not able to return to a situation of earning sufficient income and stable life situation I will be in trouble again.
It’s just because you are new. It’s a function of the metadiscourse site that hosts the Catholic forum
You have to decide where you place your faith. Under who’s authority do you choose to live.

As Scripture says " choose this day who you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
I’m already past that point. My question is how will I be protected from other religions declaring me a non-believer and send me to their hell. Is there any place in scripture where I find that God will protect me from that?
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