How can I avoid going to hell?

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I have no intention of derailing this thread, but I believe the RCC does not allow anyone to remove their name from the RCC, even if they were baptized as an infant because of their parents wishes.
Remove their name? There is no central registry of all Catholics. If you walk away from the Church nobody is going to chase you down and demand you come back because “Look, your name is on our list.”
At a time when you need clarity it might be best if you concentrate on your relationship with God, The one God. Pray to Him for help with your life and He will lead you from the desert.

Later, when things are better for you, you can return to the question of which religion to follow.
God is with you, be calm, be quiet and know that your prayers are heard.
Well I’m catholic - but it’s not my choice
You are either confused or misled. You have been given free will. Thus, you choose whatever religion, combination of religions or no religion that you express.

Apparently, you are lukewarm in at least two religions; you will have to choose. Either now or at the moment of death…there is no such thing as serving “two gods”.
Where I go. The Gods will decide
If you believe this, then you are not Catholic as the Catholic teaching is very clear not only on monotheism but on free will. So, as far as Catholicism goes, it seems as if you HAVE made your choice…you are just afraid of the consequences of that choice.
I’ve lost everything
The best advice I can give you is to fast and pray to the One God. Empty your mind of this conflict and simply pray. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you; give Him the details to sort out.
but the answers are both that it’s up to me and up to God so what should one beleive.
It’s up to God-- Romans 3: 23 For all have sinned, and do need the glory of God. 24 Being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption, that is in Christ Jesus, 2
God gives us this gift. We could never have earned it or made God give it to us, but God gives it freely as His gift to us.
It’s up to us-Romans 10: " For if thou confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thy heart that God hath raised him up from the dead, thou shalt be saved. " 1

We can accept or refuse the gift God gives us. That much is our choice.
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Thanks. But even if I have chosen God, Islam will still see me as NOT having chosen that religion and classify me as a non believer - and therefore send me to their hell. How do I avoid that?
Thanks. But even if I have chosen God, Islam will still see me as NOT having chosen that religion and classify me as a non believer - and therefore send me to their hell.
There is no Muslim hell. Islam is a false religion and therefore has no hell of its own.
Simply pray, be sincere and honest and ask for His help. You will know that your prayers have been heard by what transpires over time.

Which religion to follow can come later and hopefully you’ll choose to be Catholic.
Well I’m catholic - but it’s not my choice. For either religion I will be considered a non believer - which ever I declare myself to. The powers of God and Allah determine my path - not my hopes of what will happen.
There is only one God. Of this, Catholics and Muslims agree. There’s either two ways to think about it: Both recognize the same being but one has been led astray into how it thinks about him, or one is real and the other is not.

The Catholic faith is true. Islam is not.

And Allah isn’t a name, it’s just the Arabic word for God. Christians who speak Arabic use the word allah for God.
Thanks. But even if I have chosen God, Islam will still see me as NOT having chosen that religion and classify me as a non believer - and therefore send me to their hell. How do I avoid that?
How can they send you to their hell? That’s not how it works.
Thank you. I think I’ve been a good person. I’ve educated myself - worked to sustain myself. I saved on lady who became a single mother from loosing her home and health insurance. I saved one single mother from poverty for over a year. I saved a mother of two kids from poverty and homelessness for a couple of years. I saved and supported a lady from economic despair for two years. But now I’m running out of strength and might lose my life near term.
I tried to make my own business but after a good start I’ve failed 3 years later. I
Most business fail. You are not alone there. I think the stats are 80% fail.
Do you have a skill or work you can fall back on now. Can you get a job, even if it’s not your ideal job.

Do you feel suicidal at the moment
Gods power is made perfect in weakness, trust Him, you are loved.
God bless.

Perhaps others here will join in prayer for you if they haven’t done so already.
How do I avoid that?
It seems as if you are seeking answers and/or absolution from strangers on the Internet. You will receive many opinions here, but you will ultimately make your own choice.

I recommend that you speak with a priest you can trust and also a religious leader from Islam. Your beliefs appear very black and white and you have backed yourself into a catch-22 corner. All you can concentrate on is the catch 22 and you don’t appear to be able to hear advice or information outside that limited scenario. While you DO have a choice to make, I know that Catholic teaching does not automatically condemn you to hell for follow a religion you sincerely believe in. There are several factors which need to be considered before you can consider the POSSIBILITY of being in danger of Hell. They are deeply individualistic and the ultimate destination is known only to God. Given that you don’t seem to recognize this teaching of the CC, you could possibly also lack a deeper knowledge of the teachings of Islam re: hell. I wouldn’t know as I have not researched that religion. My point being…perhaps you need to study both religions more completely because your understanding, at least of the Catholic position on Hell and salvation, seems a bit superficial.

My last point would be that it isn’t “Catholicism” or “Islam” that results in souls in Hell. There aren’t separate Hells and separate Heavens. What a person says, even a respected religious leader, isn’t what makes Heaven or Hell your destination. Rely much less on what people say and much more on where the Spirit leads you.
To add: When you make statements such as “running out of strength” and “lose my life”, it certainly sets up a concern for your well-being and mental health. Please avail yourself immediately of medical and/or social help if you are considering suicide or if you feel you are near death from an illness or injury.

The phone number for the National Suicide Hotline is 1-800-273-8255. If you google “National Suicide Hotline” there is also an online “chat” option. If you are ill or hurt, go to the nearest walk in clinic or ER.
I sense the possibility of anxiety/OCD. Anxiety is epidemic, with an estimated 64 million in the US alone suffering from it. It’s terrible, destroying the peace of mind of each sufferer.

Anxiety generates doubt - as expressed in your post. If you are plagued with recurring thoughts or doubts, I would encourage you to speak with Father and perhaps your doctor. Help in both the spiritual and cognitive realm are both available and effective.

We are intended to experience the peace which surpasses all understanding. If that is not the case, there is a reason for it which can be addressed.
If you are Christian, why are worried about what Islam says? If it gives you any consolation, however, in Judaism, you can go to heaven whether you are Jewish or not, but you do have to live according to certain moral principles which are more or less similar in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
Catholics can go to Hell, any of us can. If we die in a state of unrepented mortal sin we are in grave danger of Hell.
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