Scripture tells us that God changed His Mind. And it also tells us that God regretted that He had made men on earth. Why would you pray and ask God to help you unless He responds to your prayers. Each time the priest at Mass says the words of consecration, God responds and comes down from heaven and becomes present Body and Blood and Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist.
Scripture is written in a manner that put God’s in terms we can understand. That does not actually mean God changes. We understand it as change because we exist in a changeable reality. God does not. It is an aspect of His nature that He cannot change, because if He were to change that would mean that He had been lacking something prior, negating His attribute of wholeness and completeness.
This is a very complex topic that gets into how eternity interacts with a time-based reality. The simplest way I can put it is that God’s eternal existence has already incorporated all prayers and actions we take. He doesn’t
change because from His perspective, the prayers we offer have always been accounted for. We pray them, and so from His eternal position we have always prayed them, and will always pray them, and are always praying them. There is no change because it was all already taken into consideration.
This is an insanely complex topic though, and one I don’t have the time to get into the nitty-gritty of today. If you’d like to discuss it more in depth, shoot me a pm.
Where does any scripture say G-d “changed his mind?” God is all-knowing, as I’m sure you know; he doesn’t change his mind. You are falling into the trap of anthropomorphizing G-d.
To be fair, the OT uses the terms “change” or "relents’ frequently when discussing God’s interaction with Israel. It’s especially common when discussing the Jewish people’s choice to repent and turn back to God. To pretend otherwise is disingenuous. However, this does not mean that God, from His position in eternity, “changed” in the sense we understand the word, as I explained above.