Here is a set with nothing in it and it is real:Nothing is not real
{ }.
Here is a set with nothing in it and it is real:Nothing is not real
I see two brackets on a white background. Unless of course you intend to symbolize nothing as an empty set, in which case it’s not really nothing.The word nothing is intended to signify the absence of some possible or impossible being in comparison to actual reality, not the presence of an actual nothing. An empty room doesn’t really have nothing in it. It just means that all the possible things that could be in the room are not in the room; but there is always reality in the room, not nothing.Here is a set with nothing in it and it is real:
{ }.
One possible problem with your argument is that holy Scripture reports that God has changed. Perhaps you will argue that these changes were not essential changes, but the same thing can be argued about the universe as a whole. That essentially, on the macro level, there have been no essential changes in the universe, only non essential ones on the micro level.The scale of change doesn’t change the fact that it’s still change.
But he was wrong in his claim that everything swallowed up by a black hole must be lost forever.His work on black holes was the first serious attempt at marrying classical physics and quantum mechanics.
I didn’t say that a particular thing exists necessarily. I said it is necessary that something exist, not that some particular thing exists.Something that must exist does not change, it is not in a continuous state of becoming, it does not move from potentiality to actuality.
Stop press: Earlier today an atheist was asked if he believed that God exists and he said ‘No’. As yet there has been no response from the Vatican.At most, can’t you only say God is improbable?
Doesn’t saying absolutely “there is no God” suggest irresponsible use of reason?
How can someone say there IS NO God, therefore implying certainty?
I wouldn’t say so, but then it depends on one’s definition of science. If we mean the empirical data, it is always valid to a certain degree of error. People can and do fudge results, the numbers or their statistical interpretations. I suppose here it is meant to address the stories we construct about our world using scientific information. These stories always change. What we see in our minds eye when we gaze upwards was an immense dome and now it is Hubble images.Being wrong is part of science.