I think the Pope’s placement of the Crucifix at the center of the altar is a very wise and subtle sign- a very smart compromise between those who prefer the old way of the priest facing with the people and those who prefer the priest turned around to us.
It essentially re-establishes the orientation of the Mass in a very basic, but effective way: it is not primarily “the people” before the priest, but the Lord. It is not primarily a congregation before him- but the Cross, which the whole People of God are gathered around in worship.
I think this sign, if implemented everywhere, will give us enormous assistance in drawing the Liturgy back to the reverence appropriate to its celebration. It will set the basic tone of the Mass, quite clearly distinguishing that this is not a “service of the People of God”, but rather the Holy Sacrifice offered to the Lord, the re-presentation of Calvary and the event that makes us contemporary with Christ’s act of worship to the Father on the Cross- joining us with the prayer of the Son to the Father.
With this symbol, the offering is once again directed towards the Lord as offered by the hands of the priest. He doesn’t look to the congregation, but just slightly upwards to the Crucifix before him in an acknowledgment that this is “through him, with him and in him” and that, in the Mass, we really do stand before God, before something both greater and external to us.
I am struck by the potency of this small gesture of the Holy Father. I pray that parishes everywhere will restore the Crucifix to the center of their altars and thus, re-discover what is truly central to the Mass.