The point of this thread is to discuss ways the Liturgy can be restored. Effectively this means ways to restore a sense of the sacred - something that is sadly missing from the Mass in many places.
It is in no way an “OF bashing fest”. I don’t think there has been a single post in this thread bashing the OF. So, to claim that that is the purpose of this thread is, at best, dishonest on your part.
I’m afraid I have to call you out on this. Please point out all the “OF bashing” on this thread. Basically put up or shut up.
Japhy’s plea bears repeating here:
**Please do me a favor: don’t get this or any other Liturgy & Sacraments thread locked or deleted!
**ncjohn, it is uncalled for and untrue cries of “bashing, bashing!” from people like you that leads to great, positive threads like this being locked or deleted.
Yikes! I’ve been “called out”!
Whatever will I do now??!!
I fear James that either you’re reading a completely different thread than I am or that you are in deep denial as to the content of the thread.
Let’s start with the foundational premise of the thread: that the liturgy has “collapsed”.
First, it is clear that the “liturgy” being discussed is the post-Vatican II liturgy: i.e. the OF liturgy. I have heard nobody even begin to claim that any other liturgy is under discussion.
Second, the foundational statement is that the OF has “collapsed”. That means it is in such a state of disarray and so far from its purpose that it may not even be possible to bring it back. Pretty much no matter how one reads that it is “bashing” the OF.
From there on the overwhelming majority of posts are nothing more than whining about one of two categories:
1–abuses the are either seen or perceived
2–things people don’t like about OF liturgies they attend or have attended.
That the priest does this or doesn’t do that. That people don’t like the choice of music or that a “liturgist” is used instead of the priest doing everything. Or that there are (in their opinion) too many lay ministers of one kind or another. Or that it just isn’t “reverent enough”.
Many of the posters here are very fond of the statement “the liturgy isn’t your private property”, and throw it out liberally any time someone expresses a liturgical preference that disagrees with theirs. That is in incredibly rich supply here and I would urge those whining about things that don’t meet their personal preferences to take the advice to heart.
As to abuses, I readily acknowledged that some do exist. But there are, as I stated previously, methodologies in place to deal with those without coming to the conclusions that abuses existing imply that the liturgy itself has “collapsed”.
Then of course we have the post that claims that the thread is about making the OF more transcendent, etc. Another common theme seen here: that the OF just isn’t good enough for us, though the Church has chosen it as its form.
It’s all a bunch of hogwash quite frankly. I grew up pre-Vatican II and attended and served at more of those liturgies than I care to remember. That liturgy was abused more at its very core–as a vehicle of praise and worship–than the worst abuse I have ever seen at an OF liturgy. I have seen far, FAR more faith and spirit-filled people at OF liturgies than I ever did at even one pre-Vatican II TLM. In fact is was the very “collapse” of the TLM of the time as a vehicle for worship that brought the Fathers of Vatican II to call for a new liturgy.
“Great positive threads like this…”

Please. I’m sure the “woe is me” whine fests about the horrible OF liturgy will go on *ad infinitum *here. It would be nice though if one could at least acknowledge them for what they are rather than trying to pretend that they are “uplifiting” in some way. There have indeed been a few positive suggestions for ways things could be improved–even if most of them are simply “preference” issues. But the bulk of this has unquestionably just been a “bash fest”
You can let the attacks begin. I’ll not be around any longer to “enjoy” them.