Or I simply realize that so much of people’s lives are based on assumptions which cannot be proven to be true or false. Objective truth exists but there are few instances where it can be known certainly. Existence being reality is the basic certain truth that I know. Most everything else is just subjective experience which may or may not indicate an underlying objective reality. But there is no way to test for the veracity of one’s experiences which leads to certain knowledge of an external world.I and others have given you valid arguments but you are not disposed to accept them. And since you have stated that this ’ idea ’ began in early childhood, that it just popped into your head for no reason, and that you have not been able to shake it since, would seem to indicate a kind of psychological block somewhere. You have to realize that not many people have the same ’ idea. ’ That might indicate that there really is no " argument " which will bring you back to reality. This might indicate a psychological problem.
You say that you have given me valid arguments against this. But I don’t see any that are not based on assumptions.